It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 776 I thank you for your ruthlessness in the beginning, that made me who I am today.

Chapter 776 I thank you for your ruthlessness in the beginning, that made me who I am today.

Hearing Miss Du's words, Second Young Master Xie's throbbing heart finally calmed down gradually.

Knowing the result, but saying it from her mouth still made him feel like falling into an ice cave.

He twitched his stiff mouth and said with a smile: "It's okay, as I said, I can wait. When you are not angry, tell me again."

Miss Du was stunned for a moment, then sighed, and said, "You still don't understand after thinking about it."

"I...I understand, but..."

"No, there is nothing between us." Miss Du bowed to him, saluted, and said, "I thank you for being ruthless back then, which made me who I am today."

She spoke flatly, without sadness or joy, but it made Second Young Master Xie's heart turbulent.

Surprised and delighted!

He thought she didn't care about anything all this time, but it turned out that she just seemed like she didn't hate or care, but this sentence betrayed her.

It turned out that she also held a grudge.

That's right, as early as two years ago, she learned to resist silently, pretending not to care about anything, so that no one could hurt her anymore.

"But I don't know, you are such a soft-hearted person." Second Young Master Xie said: "You have grievances in your heart, I understand, I told you, I will wait."

"No, you don't understand, you never understand."

"I didn't know before, but now I know, Xin Tong, I..."

Miss Du suppressed the manic and painful heart in her heart, interrupted him and said: "If you really understand, you should understand that you can only treat me well if you stay away from me. You, And Du Wanqing, when you are in front of me, you will only remind me of the past that I don't want to recall, and make me so afraid that I will wake up from my dream."

"Xin Tong!" Second Young Master Xie was stunned, his face a little dazed: "You have never spoken so harshly before!"

Miss Du sneered, and said: "So you think I'm weak and can be bullied, and get carried away with self-satisfaction, but don't forget, I am no longer that Du Xintong from the Xie family, and I don't have that humble love in my heart for you to bully me."

"You..." Second Young Master Xie staggered back, "I'm sorry!"

Miss Du took a big breath of air-conditioning to calm herself down slowly.

"What I need is not sorry! The past is not a blank, it has really consumed my life. You, you, me and you. The three of us have a gap that can never be bridged. Du Wanqing is the blood of my Du family. My father said before he died that we are the only relatives in this world, and I can't forgive her even half of it, let alone you. What are you to me? A person who once passed away, the initiator of a period of pain.

I don't care about you for Master Xie and Qin Yun's sake, but do you insist on forcing me to tear open my scars, obliterating all the remaining affection for strangers?Then as you wish, you will never come to Jinxiu City to look for me again, and if you come, I will never see you again..."

Second Master Xie's face was ashen, looking at the person who was walking farther and farther in the pale snow, his legs seemed to have taken root, and he no longer had the courage to follow.

It turned out that she hated it so much...

Du Wanqing held a bronze mirror the size of a palm.

She wanted to lift her other hand to touch the unrecognizable face, but she couldn't lift her unconscious hand again.

This was the first time she saw her own face after being licked by the fire. She knew it would be ugly, but she didn't expect it to be scarier than that ghost.

With such a face, who can bear to face such a face day and night.

(End of this chapter)

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