Chapter 791 Escape to Lingnan
She was afraid that he would not take her in, so regardless of the bleeding wound on her body, she told him over and over again: "I have to leave him because I am pregnant. The Xiao family is no longer what it used to be. I can't fight them. They say I am useless." The valuable crown princess will be abolished sooner or later, he will not allow a crown princess who will be abandoned sooner or later to give birth to his eldest son, my son, I can only keep him in this way..."

"Qin'er, don't talk, I'll take you to Lingnan, no one can hurt you."

Yue Tingfang was a strong man, but at this moment tears were streaming down his face.

He carried Xiao Qin'er, who was covered in blood, back to the Lingnan Marquis Mansion, and stayed by her side day and night without sleep. His newly married wife almost collapsed.

"Master Hou brought home a woman with a big belly, guarding her day and night?"

The maid next to Mrs. Yue looked at the crying and red-eyed master and continued to comfort her: "Ma'am, even if that woman gave birth to a child, she is still a nobody. With the status of Lord Hou, sooner or later there must be a third wife." Fourth concubine, madam, don't be sad."

"But if she gives birth to a boy, it will be Lord Hou's eldest son. How can I not be sad to be preempted by an unknown woman?"

This is also true, she just married and is still not familiar with the Hou Mansion, the master and servant can hide in the room and hug their heads in pain.

Although Yue Tingfang loves Xiao Qin'er very much, but in the end he is a man with affection and intention.

Although Fang Cuizhen was his father's appointed daughter-in-law when he was alive, since he married her, he would definitely be responsible for her.

Hearing that she was about to go blind from crying after shutting herself in the room, he still decided to visit her.

"How can the newlyweds cry all day? Ah Zhenmo is going to cry."

"Master Hou?" Seeing Yue Tingfang coming, Fang Cuizhen cried even harder: "The servants all said that Master Hou brought a pregnant woman back, fearing that the child in her stomach would be persecuted by A-Zhen, they kept guarding her all day long. Willing to leave for half a step. Ah-Zhen has just arrived at the Hou's mansion, and she can't tell the difference between the front and back doors. How could she harm the woman the Lord Hou likes? Ah-Zhen has been wronged..."

Yue Tingfang comforted in a low voice, and said: "Don't listen to those nonsense servants who gossip, that woman is indeed a pregnant woman, but she has nothing to do with me. She is the daughter of an old man, and her husband's family treated her badly, no Let her give birth to this child, she came to me when she was desperate.

I guard her because her life is in danger at any time.Fortunately, she is fine now, you can go and see her.But don't talk nonsense in front of her, don't ruin her woman's reputation. "

Fang Cuizhen was stunned for a long time before realizing what Yue Tingfang said, and immediately burst into laughter.

When they met for the first time, she was lying on the sickbed reading a book, and she stood timidly at the door with the soup that made up her body, at a loss.

Seeing Fang Cuizhen's clothes, Xiao Qin'er seemed to guess her identity.

She smiled at her and said, "I heard that Tingfang married his wife, so it's you. Mrs. Yue, please come in."

She had just married into the Hou Mansion, so she was very careful in everything she did.

"Mrs. Xiao!" Fang Cuizhen put the soup on the cabinet next to her bed, and said in a low voice, "This is the medicine for repairing the tire that I asked the doctor to prescribe, and I personally boiled it for you."

"Thank you, Madam Yue." Xiao Qin'er stood up and thanked her.

Fang Cuizhen hurriedly supported her to lie down again, and said, "No, you're welcome, you should lie down quickly. The doctor said that you were seriously injured and your fetus was unstable, so you need to rest in bed."

"Thank you!"

Soon the two started talking, and the previous grudges were gone.

(End of this chapter)

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