Chapter 806 Moon Eclipse Worm
After waiting for three years, he thought she had already forgotten, but he didn't expect that he finally waited until the bell rang.

"Yu Jiang, take someone and follow me, hurry up!"

Yu Jiang had never seen Jin Ziyuan so anxious before, and was taken aback.

"what happened?"

Jin Ziyuan said: "I don't have time to explain to you, so come with me."

After all, he got on his horse first and ran towards the direction where the bug hit.

The north is mostly plains and grasslands, and a single horse can run very fast. Before midnight, he caught up with Gu Youyou's carriage.

"Hijack that carriage for me, kill the man on the spot, capture the woman and make her Mrs. Yazhai, bring back the gold, silver and jewels to reward you brothers!" Jin Ziyuan gave this order in a rage, and those who followed him The people dressed as bandits saw the luxurious carriage in front of them, and they were all excited and gearing up. As soon as his words fell, they swung their swords and surrounded the carriage where Gu Youyou was.

When Huo Li saw these bandits, he felt like he had fucked a dog.

In recent years, things have not gone well for him, Huo Li, did even bandits dare to rob him?

The master who drove the carriage was dumb, he looked at Huo Li and trembled.

He took on an errand just to support his family, but he didn't want to risk his life here.

But he could hear clearly what the bandit said just now.

Huo Li said coldly: "It's better to sit in the carriage and keep an eye on the people in the carriage. After the matter is completed, the money will be doubled."

The dumb master is about to cry, that must be done.

It is said that two fists are difficult to defeat four hands, but this bandit is overwhelming a large group, there are eighty if not one hundred.

God, there are old and young, and he doesn't want to die yet.

He couldn't speak, so he could only kowtow to Huo Li.

Huo Li gave him a cold look, grabbed him, and threw him into the carriage.

Gu Youyou, who was lying on the window and peeking, was taken aback by this sudden person thrown in, and was relieved to see that it was the carriage driver driving the carriage.

"What's out there?" she asked.

The coachman had a bitter face, pointed at his mouth and shook his head, and looked helpless as if he was about to cry.

Seeing him like this, Gu Youyou knew that this carriage master should be hired by Huo Li with money. He took him away from the palace without alarming anyone at all, probably no one in Xuanzong knew about it.

Good Huo Li.

It's just that I don't know if the person outside is Jin Ziyuan, the voice sounds a little different, it seems that the voice has been changed on purpose.

However, it is possible that Huo Li bought such a flamboyant carriage, and it was really targeted by bandits.

Not knowing the situation outside, Gu Youyou decided to hide in the car first, and see what Huo Li planned to do first.

The groom was so frightened that he only shrank in a corner of the carriage.

Huo Li stared at the crowd coldly, and drew out his sword without saying a word.

A long sword emitted a moon-like cold light, and Huo Li shouted at the crowd: "None of you will leave alive tonight."

His eyes were as scarlet as that of the life-threatening Shura, and the energy that erupted from his body caused the dust around him to fly up, and the sword... With the sword as the center, it quickly expanded into a blue circle.

Gu Youyou hid in the carriage and looked out the window. She was stunned by the scene in front of her, and felt that Huo Li was playing some kind of magic trick.

What are those things?
It seems that something is continuously flowing out from the hilt of the sword and spreading around.

Jin Ziyuan frowned tightly, and whispered to Yu Jiang behind him: "This is a moon eclipse bug, pass it on, let everyone back quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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