Chapter 815
Jin Ziyuan hesitated again and again, wrapped himself in a cocoon like her, and leaned against another corner of the bed.

By the moonlight, they saw that each other was not asleep.

The scene was a little awkward.

Gu Youyou thought for a while and asked, "How much do you know about Taoist medicine men?"

Gu Youyou reckoned that Taoism is a top-secret thing, and outsiders probably don't know it, or know very little.

Sure enough, Jin Ziyuan said: "I don't know much, there are five like like."

Gu Youyou's eyes flickered slightly, and said: "In other words, you know that there are six women and one man?"

Jin Ziyuan nodded, and said: "Yes, I only found out recently. I also know that Yue Rujing succeeded in winning the other five women, and they are all in Lingnan."

Gu Youyou hummed, and said again: "For you, the biggest enemy is Yujizi, we can change it at any time, at worst, he will spend some time looking for it, but you are different, you can't change it. On the altar, even if you don't die, you are not you anymore. At that time, what you fight for is nothing more than making a wedding dress for others."

Jin Ziyuan frowned, showing a faint smile, and said, "Are you worried about me, not entirely because of yourself?"

Gu Youyou was stunned for a moment, and said: "You think too much, I just can't see that you can't grasp the point, and what I'm telling is the truth."

"Then do you know that I am responsible for the recent troubles?"

Gu Youyou didn't deny it, and said: "You ruined King Jin's wedding and blamed King Qin, and caused them to fight again. Up to now, they have been fighting so hard, you, Jin Ziyuan, have contributed a lot. But your biggest enemy is not the emperor. , but Yujizi. What Yujizi wants is your life, and it’s almost the same thing to get rid of him first and then want revenge.”

Jin Ziyuan said: "You are wrong, it makes no difference to me."


"You are so naive. They all want my life. Dealing with Yujizi is to fight for my own life and revenge for myself. Those who died took revenge, how can I be worthy of them?"

Gu Youyou disagreed with his idea, and said: "But they hope you can survive. The dead are gone, and the ashes have returned to the ashes, and the people they protect can live longer, that's what they want of."

I still remember that in that mountain and in that ancient tomb, the wild man didn't even care about himself, but took good care of Jin Ziyuan.

If it wasn't for his helplessness, how could he be cruel to feed his son those medicines because he loves his son so much.

The third prince dared to rebel, he must be a smart person, it is impossible not to know that those medicines are actually poisons.

Jin Ziyuan didn't speak, the moonlight cast a silhouette on his bushy eyebrows, he lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Gu Youyou sighed: "Forget it, what you do is your own decision, just treat it as me... I am a doctor, and I can't bear to see the world in chaos. Of course, no one wants to see the world in chaos, and it's not like a chaotic minister or a thief, right? , I'm just an ordinary person."

Jin Ziyuan smiled coldly: "Yes, I am a traitor."

Gu Youyou was stunned, and said: "I didn't mean that either, you also have your helplessness. Forget it, although we are the same kind of people, we are not the same people."

"Yeah, we are not the same way!" Jin Ziyuan sighed: "But who wants to be that traitor? He, Jin Moning, is usurping the throne. He took my father's throne without telling everyone in the world. I can see the imperial edict. It must be clear, but they ruined it, and then they can treat us as rebellious officials and thieves."

(End of this chapter)

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