Chapter 819
"What are you looking at? Don't come and touch my fire." Gu Yunxi moved his body to block his hot fire light with his body.

Circe smiled coldly and pushed him to the ground.

Gu Yunxi was caught off guard by her and pushed all over the sky, very embarrassed.

If he wasn't hungry and sleepy, he wouldn't be able to defeat this man who was obviously thinner than himself.

Circe didn't care so much, and after pushing it, he rode on it without saying a word, and then began to tear his clothes.

Gu Yunxi was so shocked that she forgot to resist for a moment.

Seeing that he was groping his body, making his whole body itchy, he couldn't help laughing and pushed him away.

Circe looked at the person under him like an idiot, and said, "Shut up, and I'll cut off your tongue if you laugh any more."

Nima, he doesn't want to laugh, so don't squeak!

"What do you want to do?" Gu Yunxi was ashamed and angry, tightly guarding her integrity.

"Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!"

Circe wrenched his hand away and continued the search.

"Here you go." Circe finally found the flint and steel in his clothes, raised his hand and sneered, "This thing belongs to me."

Gu Yunxi let out a breath.

Mada, he was scared to death, he thought the man in front of him was a pervert, and he wanted to perform a masculine version of the erotic palace with him in this barren mountain, so it turned out to be flint.

Having snatched the flint and steel, Circe returned to her firewood pile and started to light the fire.

Then she tragically discovered that Gu Yunxi's flint and steel still couldn't ignite the fire.

Impossible, that's obviously what she did, and that's what she did when she saw others, so why couldn't she light it up?

Growing up so big, she began to doubt her IQ for the first time.

That side, Gu Yunxi has already seen clearly.

So this idiot can't even light a fire?
Haha, he can be regarded as seeing someone who is stupider than the second idiot from the neighbor's house.

The second idiot of the family will also light a fire to steal a chicken and roast it half-cooked.

Circe turned her head indifferently, just in time to see the man by the fire laughing at her face.

This can win her.

She threw away the flint and kicked Gu Yunxi away as tough as before, and said with a sneer, "Your fire is mine."

If she doesn't grab the burning fire, what kind of flint and steel is she going to grab?

Her IQ really dropped.

It's all because of this idiot.

" are too deceitful, this is the fire I made."

"It's mine now." Circe said lightly.

It was really warm. She took out the change of clothes in her bag to dry, and she fell into the water just now, and she got a little wet.

Gu Yunxi was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but she had no choice but to go to her firewood and plan to rekindle the fire.

This man is even more domineering than that robber, and it is impossible to reason with him.

Circe, thinking he lacked someone to add fuel to the fire, called him back again.

"For the sake of helping me light the fire, you are allowed to touch my fire."

After all, he took the initiative to move the place for him.

"That was the fire I made, and you rubbed against my fire." Gu Yunxi gritted his teeth.

It took him eight lifetimes to meet such a shameless person.

That being said, he walked back to warm himself by the fire.

He was really tired and sleepy, and he didn't have the strength to toss any more.

Circe glanced at him, threw his clothes to him, and said, "Dry them for me."

I rub it, it's too bullying.

He himself was still in wet clothes.

"Why don't you go pick up firewood? Pick up firewood or bake clothes for me, you choose one."

(End of this chapter)

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