Chapter 823 The new concubine
On Jin Zijin's side, he had already guessed where Gu Youyou and Jin Ziyuan were going. At this moment, they were heading towards the East China Sea.

Another person who was faster than him had arrived, and that was Circe.

She has completely enslaved Gu Yunxi now, she has endured him for so long, there is no reason why she should bear it in exchange for the antidote.

He is so young, he doesn't have a wife yet, and he doesn't want to die yet.

They stayed in the woods for one night, and the next day Circe went to rob a carriage, and Gu Yunxi was still her coachman.

After driving for a few days, I finally found the inn where Gu Youyou was.

Just as Gu Youyou was about to go out, she saw Circe, and she trembled in shock.

Shouldn't she be guarding those little babies she raised in the Lin Mansion?How come here.

Jin Ziyuan behind him sensed her strangeness, and followed her gaze to look downstairs.

There were two men standing there, neither of whom he knew.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Acquaintance." Gu Youyou said.

After all, she went downstairs.

Circe turned her head and saw her. Seeing that Gu Youyou was dressed like a man, but she was a good person, she was relieved.

She stepped forward and asked, "Didn't you get robbed by bandits? Why did you come here? I don't think you look like you were robbed."

Gu Yunxi, who was following her, knew who Circe was chasing all the way. No wonder he was so anxious. It turned out that his friend was robbed by bandits.

Oh no, he thought his friend was robbed by bandits.

"How did you get here?" Gu Youyou looked at the person behind her, and said, "Who is this?"

"The coachman I hired." Circe said without blushing.

The corners of Gu Yunxi's mouth twitched, wanting to accuse him of various crimes.

"Oh, you still hire a coachman?" Gu Youyou raised her eyebrows, seeing the coachman's low eyebrows and gnashing teeth secretly, she guessed that the word "employment" had a lot to do with it.

The lobby of the inn is crowded with people, it's not a place to talk, so Gu Youyou whispered to Circe, "Go, go upstairs first."

Jin Ziyuan said: "You guys go up first, I'll ask the cook to make some side dishes, and I'll be back soon."

"I... I'm going to feed the horses!" Gu Yunxi also fled away, his instinct was that neither of them would be easy to serve.

Entering Gu Youyou's room, Circe immediately looked at Gu Youyou with contempt, and said, "You flirtatious woman, don't say that being robbed by bandits is fake, it's true that you came out to hang out with that pretty boy just now."

Gu Youyou almost choked to death with a mouthful of water.

She really dared to say anything, I really don't know how her mother usually educated her, she said she was born in a boudoir, but she didn't look like a lady in a boudoir at all.

Fortunately, she left the Lu family. With her temperament, wouldn't it be unlucky for anyone to marry?

Gu Youyou wiped her mouth and said: "It's a lie that the bandits robbed me, but what I encountered was more terrifying than being robbed by bandits. As for not returning to the capital, but running to the East China Sea, I had no choice but to run for my life here."

"Hmph, run for your life?" Circe sneered and said, "That little boy was your new concubine?"

Gu Youyou: "...Fuck your mother's concubine, my mother is very loyal to love, she even said she was running for her life."

In front of such a woman, even the best self-cultivation would collapse.

Circe pursed her lips and snorted, "The Taoist knows your 'loyalty', so he might be blown away."

"It's none of your business." Gu Youyou said lightly, "How did you find it?"

(End of this chapter)

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