Chapter 840

This rock is very special, it can't be extinguished when it is ignited by Jin Zijin's Chixiao.

The mice were even more strange. Their fur was burned by the flames, and soon their whole bodies were burned, and they heard screams.

But even so, they still rushed towards the flame like moths to the flame, even if they burned themselves to ashes, they didn't care.

Xiao Jinyan and the others were so frightened that their teeth chattered, but Gu Yunxi, who came down last, was hanging in mid-air.

Seeing such a frightening scene, he slipped his hand and fell straight down.

"What... what's going on?" Xiao Jinyan gritted his teeth and asked.

Jin Zijin looked at it for a while, and found a big hole half a person's height cracked in the mountain wall not far away, and in that hole, there were a steady stream of red mice crawling out, rushing towards the fire one after another.

He stared at it for a while and said, "Get out of here as soon as possible, this fire won't last long."

After saying that, he scratched a few times on the same stones with dark red meridian-like veins, and the flame started to burn again.


The three of Gu Youyou were carried into a cave by the mice, and no one thought that there would be a hidden cave here.

A huge underground cave, there is something in the middle of the cave, emitting a red light.

The environment here is not so hot and dry, it is very comfortable, like the feeling of spring in March.

What's more, after those mice threw them into the nest, they ran away in a swarm.

The poison of the rats will temporarily affect some of the central nervous system of the human body. Gu Youyou and the three can only lie in the rat's nest and cannot move.

Of the three of them, Circe, who was most resistant to toxicity, recovered the fastest. The rats evacuated, and she was able to move after a while.

She sat up, her face was pale, she felt very aggrieved, and cursed angrily: "Wait until I go out and burn this cave down."

Gu Youyou turned her head and said, "That will have to wait until we can get out alive, quickly take out the antidote pills in the backpack, it's too uncomfortable."

After taking the pills, plus no rats injecting them with new toxins, they will be able to move soon.

It's just not very neat.

There is a natural big hole in the cave, and those red lights are emitted from that big hole.

The three of them moved to the edge of the big hole, and were stunned by the scene inside.

"Yanchi?" Jin Ziyuan said in surprise, "There is actually a Yanchi here."

Gu Youyou was also shocked. Isn't this big hole emitting red light the same as the Yanchi?

The red water, on the surface of the water, there are still blooming lotus flowers, but these flowers are much redder and brighter than the lotus flowers in the Yanchi in the palace.

Circe bent down and picked up a strange thing in the pool.

The thing was pulled out of the water by her, which startled them.

That thing was nothing but the skeleton of a monkey.

"There are so many skeletons here!" Circe exclaimed.

Continue to stir in the flame pool, and found that it is full of bones of various animals, most of which are monkeys.

It turns out that this place is a dumping ground. Those animals may have accidentally fallen into this deep pit, and they all became food for rats. Over time, they piled up to fill a pool.

This scene was so disgusting that people felt like vomiting, Jin Ziyuan pulled Gu Youyou behind him, and said, "Let's see if there is a way out."

Gu Youyou didn't just want to vomit, but actually vomited. She felt her stomach churning, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Circe held a monkey skeleton and pouted, "I thought you wouldn't be afraid of these things, but I didn't expect it to be so serious."

(End of this chapter)

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