Chapter 851 Yujizi is here
It was dark and far away, and the old man's white hair seemed to have its own light, so people could see him at a glance.

It's just that I can't see his face clearly.

"Who is this?"

The sailors shook their heads: "I don't know!"

Look at this description... Among the white-haired and black-clothed people in the world, Xiao Jinyan only thinks of one person, Yu Jizi, the national teacher?

Damn it, Yujizi, the master of the country?

The person who came was not kind, since it was him, he must have come for Jin Zijin.

He felt that his cousin was in serious trouble, so he hurriedly said to the sailors: "Don't go to shore, just wait."

After all, he hurried to the cabin and told Jin Zijin about it.

Jin Zijin frowned deeply after hearing this, and looked at Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou's face turned pale, she had a bad feeling that something she had been worrying about was about to happen.

In the past few years, Yu Jizi has always been a threat from behind, and has never attacked them.But this time he came forward in person, since Yu Jizi came, he would not warn like that idiot Huo Li, or use some indecent means, then they...

Her heart tightened, and she hurried to the splint.She looked in the direction of the pier, but she didn't see the Yujizi they were talking about. There was no one on the pier.

At this time, several sailors on the splint were whispering to each other in surprise, "Where's that old man just now? Hey, why is he missing?"

"Yeah, he was still there just now, why did he disappear suddenly?"

They rubbed their eyes and found that there was indeed no one there. They couldn't believe that a living person just disappeared out of thin air?

"It can't be that it's too dark, can we miss it?"

"How is this possible? His white hair is almost as white as the moon. I can see it clearly. He was standing there just now."

He was standing there just now, but now there is no one there.

Gu Youyou believed that they hadn't misjudged, there was really someone there just now, and that person must be Yu Jizi.

Because when she was in Qishan before, she had witnessed Tian Jizi's miraculous movement skills and unfathomable lightness kung fu.

Since Tianjizi will, so will Yujizi.

At that time, Tianjizi left Gu Youyou's room, she felt just like them, thinking she was dazzled.

Standing beside Gu Youyou, Jin Zijin looked solemn when he saw the empty pier.

Xiao Jinyan, who came out, held the handle of the knife with a strange expression: "I saw it just now, why is it gone?"

He asked the others: "Where's the old man on the pier just now?"

Everyone shook their heads, not knowing where the old man went.

According to this specification of the wharf, there are at least [-] people here, but now those [-] people don't know where they went.

If something happened, there was no news at all.

Such a powerful existence can't help but make everyone nervous.

Circe and Gu Yunxi also came out of the cabin when they heard the movement, Circe was a little seasick and his face was pale.She had an injury on her face before, and after using the medicine for the past few days, the scar has begun to fade. Coupled with this pale complexion, it still feels like she is going to be blown away by the sea breeze.

Gu Yunxi said: "You look like this, why are you running out to blow the wind, you'd better go in quickly."

Seeing that he had already arrived at the pier, he let out a snort and said, "There's no need to go in, we'll be disembarking soon."

Circe rolled his eyes at him, then turned to look at Gu Youyou.

Ask: "Did something happen? You are all stern, and you don't go to the shore."

(End of this chapter)

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