Chapter 875 Fighting Beasts
Everyone has road-finding sticks in their hands, which are also weapons they can use to deal with leopards.

Circe had the silver needle that Gu Youyou gave her, and Gu Youyou held a dagger in her hand.This is Jin Zijin's defense for her, it's not big, she always carries it with her.

Gu Yunxi grabbed a rock on the ground and got up, ready to smash it at any time.

The leopard just watched them from a distance, and didn't attack immediately.

But this kind of confrontation is not a good thing for them. Their time is limited, but they can't afford it.

Gu Youyou said: "Let's try to get close to it. Since this beast treats us as food, it won't let us go easily. It is waiting, and will rush up when we are tired."

"Okay, listen to you." Circe whispered.

Gu Youyou walked in the front holding the dagger, she was actually very scared.But there is no way, she is the only one among these people who holds a cold weapon, she must not let someone with a wooden stick go.

Circe felt a little regretful, she should have brought the murderous sword with her.

Gu Youyou and the others took a few steps forward, and the leopard took a few steps back.

They walked a few more steps, and the leopard took a few steps back.

Seeing this situation is more dangerous than the leopard attacking them directly, because you don't know when the leopard is going to attack you, but they have to maintain this state of mental tension all the time.

"There's no way to go on like this, my hands are going numb." Gu Yunxi, who was holding the stone, said with a bitter face.

Circe glanced at him angrily, and said, "I'll make you stupid, you don't know how to pick a small one when you hold such a big rock."

"Then what should we do, this leopard has been staring at us." A girl behind asked.

Gu Youyou whispered to them: "It's really not an option to go on like this, don't collapse before being bitten to death by the leopard. Let's do this, I'll lure you, pay attention."

"What? You go, you can't go." Circe stopped Gu Youyou, but Gu Youyou was already holding the dagger.

"Hey, you... ouch!" Circe hurried to catch up angrily and anxiously.

Seeing that Gu Youyou was following up alone, the person behind was still several steps away, and the others were even further away, Huabao stopped hesitating, kicked his legs, and rushed towards Gu Youyou.

The moment the leopard pounced on her, Gu Youyou suddenly bent down, and because the leopard jumped too high, she jumped over her body abruptly.

At this time, Huabao was between Gu Youyou and Circe.

Gu Yunxi in the back was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he yelled and threw the stone that he had been holding for a long time at the leopard.

Was the leopard hesitant to attack Circe in front first, or turned around and attacked Gu Youyou.

But I don't want a stone to fall from the sky.

So it can only choose to avoid the stone first.

The leopard is flexible, as long as it hides, the stone will never hit it.But at this moment, Gu Youyou and Circe got the best chance.

Gu Youyou rushed forward and stabbed the leopard with the dagger.

The leopard had just dodged the stone, but it was a bit slower when it tried to dodge. It escaped the vital point, but Gu Youyou was stabbed in the ass.

While suffering from pain, it bit Gu Youyou's hand holding the dagger.

Gu Youyou immediately let go of the dagger and retracted her hand.

At the same time, the silver needle in Circe's hand pierced the leopard's neck.

She didn't know if the piercing was accurate, there were a total of five silver needles in her hand, and they quickly pierced into Huabao's body.

(End of this chapter)

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