Chapter 890

This house is jointly owned by Sanbao and Erya. At the time when Gu Laosan had an accident and Erya committed suicide, Wang Shun's family did not agree with him marrying Gu Xiaoqing. He insisted on marrying, so he severed ties with the Wang family. He became Gu Xiaoqing's door-to-door son-in-law.

Later, when Gu Xiaoqing and his brother became prosperous again, the Wang family wanted to take them back, but Shunzi was not stupid. If they went back, all the money the family earned would go to the grandfather, and it was all the money of the Gu family, so he was unwilling to die. .

Shunzi's mother is an open-minded person, and she treated Gu Youyou well in the past, but there are still powerful mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law in her family who suppress her, and her own men don't speak hard, let alone her.

Fortunately, everyone is having a good time.

When Shunzi came back, Aunt Wang was carrying the washed clothes to dry on the bamboo pole in front of his yard.

Erya is about to give birth, it is really not suitable to go to the river to wash clothes, and she still has a baby with her.

In order to hunt more good prey to support her daughter-in-law, Shunzi often went into the mountains with hunters a few days ago.

Twelve or thirteen-year-old Sanbao has been busy working in the fields.

"Mom, you're here to help again, be careful grandma says you again."

Aunt Wang's family heard her son say this, and she said angrily: "Let her talk, and I will make up with your father if I get in a hurry. I won't serve their family anymore. Let's see who she can talk about."

His own mother seldom said such things, Shunzi was stunned, and quickly asked: "Mother, is something wrong? Grandma is mad at you again?"

Aunt Wang's eyes were red, and said: "Isn't your grandma just like that, when will she not be angry? It's okay, mother is used to it."

Shun Ziniang is honest and capable, and these days, the more honest people are, the more angry they are.Shun Ziniang is such a person who does too much work and is punished.

Shunzi knew what kind of person grandma was, so she just sighed: "It's really impossible, mother, go back and talk to dad, let's divide the house. You bring your younger brothers and sisters to live with us, our house is big, and Brother Jin's house is also empty." It's more comfortable than being squeezed with uncles and aunts."

Aunt Wang sighed and said: "It's so easy to say, if it can be done like this, how can it be done now? Your father is a filial man, with soft ears, it would be strange if he could be separated. Okay, okay? Having said that, let's go in and have a look at Erya, I think she is going to give birth in a few days. The first child is a boy, but I hope to give birth to a girl this time."

Shunzi laughed, took the basin from his mother, and said, "My mother is open-minded. Other mothers-in-law hope that their daughter-in-law will always have boys, but you want to have a girl."

"What's so good about a bunch of elders? Look at your uncle's house, five of them are sons, and our little sister has only one daughter in our family. How annoying..."

Er Ya heard that Gu Youyou had woken up and her life was not in danger, so she was relieved.

In the past few days, she has been feeling up and down in her heart, because she was afraid that Gu Youyou would not be able to hold on.

"Shunzi, have you asked why the eldest sister did that? And the eldest brother-in-law, why everyone is saying that they have nothing to do with it. Grandpa asked them to get married back then. It wasn't a real marriage at all, it was just for medical treatment , to cover up people's eyes and ears?"

Yue Tingfang hired someone to do these things. Now everyone in Lianhua Village knows that Gu Youyou has nothing to do with Jin Zijin, they are only together for medical treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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