Chapter 902

"Forgive?" Jin Fengzhao snorted coldly, and said: "This woman has no one in her eyes, and she ran against me. If I forgive her, wouldn't it be possible for any cat or dog to ignore me in the future? You despicable people Maid, do you believe that I will punish you together?"

Aunt Li's face turned pale, and Gu Youyou said: "Aunt Li, thank you very much, but it's useless to plead with this kind of person. Youyou is causing trouble, so I ask Aunt Li not to interfere, so as not to hurt Aunt Li."

Aunt Li looked at Gu Youyou worriedly, and didn't dare to speak anymore.

Gu Youyou's words made Jin Fengzhao's face livid with anger, she slapped her, and cursed: "A lowly female doctor, how dare you speak to me like that? Huh, reason, don't say you offended me today. Even if you didn't say anything, why does I need any reason to punish you? I never need a reason for whoever I want to punish, just let me take it away."

Gu Youyou's cheeks were burning with pain. She had traveled so long, and she had never been so angry.

It was the first time in my two lifetimes that I was slapped and humiliated.

It's all right to be a dignitary and aristocrat of imperial power, but why is he still a fake?

Gu Youyou was taken to a table of palaces by Jin Fengzhao. This magnificent Zhaoyang Palace was the palace where Jin Fengzhao lived before he got married. Because she is the most beloved princess of the Zhuzhao Kingdom, even if she is married, this palace will be returned to her. She kept it, and when she was free, she would come back and stay for a day or two.

Seeing that Gu Youyou was taken away by the eldest princess, Aunt Li hurriedly told the Queen Mother about it.

The queen was getting up to leave, but was startled by Aunt Li's panic.

Aunt Li hurriedly bowed to the Empress Dowager, and said: "The Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager, it's not good, Dr. Gu met the Eldest Princess on the way to Liuying Hall, and the Eldest Princess took her away."

Both the queen and the queen mother were taken aback. According to what they knew, Gu Youyou and Jin Fengzhao should have nothing to do with each other.

"What's going on, let's talk about it," said the Queen Mother.

Aunt Li said: "Perhaps it was because of the clothes Dr. Gu was wearing today that caused trouble. The eldest princess was very angry when she saw the clothes, and even beat Dr. Gu. Now she has taken him away."

"Oh, it's broken." The queen suddenly realized: "The clothes on Youyou are Manxiulou's new clothes, the eldest princess likes Manxiu the most, she... with her temperament, no one else wears clothes that she doesn't even have. "

The queen mother was also a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "Then you go quickly and go to Zhaoyang Hall to have a look, Feng Zhao has a strong temper, don't go late, and everyone will be gone."

The queen hurriedly responded, and led the crowd to Zhaoyang Hall in a hurry.

The Empress Dowager still felt uneasy, and said to the palace: "I will go too, Feng Zhao's temper, only I can suppress it."


Gu Youyou was pressed to the ground by several nuns, who were ripping off her clothes and gagged their mouths.

Because Gu Youyou's swearing is really cruel, although Jin Fengzhao is not afraid of her, but he maintains his identity and does not quarrel with the same civilians, so he simply asked someone to gag her mouth.

Gu Youyou was indeed very angry this time, the insult of slapping her face and taking off her clothes in public was more uncomfortable than being broken by Yu Jizi's ribs.

What a counterfeit, as long as she can leave this palace alive today, she must let her reveal her original form.

Pick up clothes?
It's just crazy!
Anyway, she is a princess, but she looks like a street rogue. Only a street rogue can do things like strip clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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