It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 913 Weighing the pros and cons

Chapter 913 Weighing the pros and cons
If she said so, wouldn't she admit that she tracked down Xiao Qin'er's whereabouts back then?
But if you don't say it, how can you defend Gu Youyou?

The queen thought for a while, and said to the emperor in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Dr. Gu said that this jade pendant was bought. I think this jade pendant was lost to the people and was bought by Dr. Gu unintentionally. Sister Xiao has passed away for more than 20 years. Yoyo wasn't even born then."

She could only remind the emperor in this way, to clear up the relationship between Gu Youyou and Xiao Qin'er.As for whether Gu Youyou can pass the level of the emperor, it depends on her own luck.

The emperor seemed to have never heard what the queen said, and only stared at Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou lowered her head not to look at them, her mind was spinning rapidly.

How on earth do you want to protect yourself without involving Jin Zijin?
Or in other words, simply tell about Jin Zijin's affairs, just to promote Jin Zijin's confession of relatives.

But something happened to Daozong now, judging by what Jin Zijin meant, Sihao had no intention of admitting his relatives.

If Daozong's affairs are handled well and he can do what he wants to do, maybe the previous plan will change again, so he doesn't intend to admit his relatives?

Looking at the arrogant Jin Fengzhao again, if the emperor knew that the daughter he had loved for many years was actually a fake, how would he feel?
Before Gu Youyou could think clearly, several men dressed as guards had already followed an eunuch.

This is what the emperor told Mr. Wan to do.

She is not a woman in the palace, so to punish her, the eunuchs in the palace are not used, but the male guards are hired.

It is also a great humiliation for a girl like Gu Youyou to let a few men beat her.

The empress and empress dowager were startled, they watched four guards carry a bench into the Zhaoyang Hall, saluted the emperor, grabbed Gu Youyou, and pressed him on the bench.

Gu Youyou was extremely flustered, but she bit her lips tightly.

In this matter, Jin Zijin must be confessed honestly, or he will be tortured honestly, and he will not speak about it.

If he said it, then Jin Zijin would definitely become the target of public criticism, but this time is the best time for him to deal with Xuanzong.

Then while he had to deal with Xuanzong, he had to devote half of his mind to deal with Chaotang.

"I'll give you one last chance, should I say it or not?" The emperor's voice was very light, but there was a majesty that couldn't be ignored.

Both the queen and the queen mother were so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

Although they didn't want Gu Youyou to be beaten, they were also curious as to why the emperor was biting Gu Youyou.

The emperor has always been wise, so he must have discovered something?Or insisted that Gu Youyou was not telling the truth.

The queen mother was supported by the maid to stand up, stood in front of Gu Youyou, and said in a low voice: "Yuyou, just say what you have to say, this board is not as easy as those eunuchs beat, your body, If you can't eat ten boards, you will die, as long as you tell the truth, the emperor will not embarrass you."

Gu Youyou felt like shit.

Ten boards can kill, how much effort is that?

In the future, at best, her butt will bloom, and she will be fine after a few days of raising her.

She was a little scared, but after thinking about it, she still bit her lips tightly, shook her head and said: "Queen Mother, what Youyou said is the truth, this jade pendant was indeed bought by Youyou from the boatman for ten taels of silver."

"Oh, it seems that you are not going to tell the truth?" The emperor said coldly.

The queen mother shook her head and sighed, this girl is really stubborn.

(End of this chapter)

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