It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 941 It's Time to Get Married

Chapter 941 It's Time to Get Married
She was not a fool about the rebellion of the Three Kings back then, so how could she not know the tricks?How clean is Mrs. Ru who presented her will to show her loyalty?Or is it that she is harboring evil intentions at all, and is not clean at all?

At that time, it was rumored that both the third prince and his son had disappeared, and the bones that Mrs. Ru could go to welcome back in person must be one of them.

Such things can be known by oneself, how can one be as smart as the emperor not know?

It's just that the holy will is unpredictable, and she doesn't want to guess what he is going to do.

Now her worst enemy has come.


It is rare for a family banquet to be seated in the palace.

They didn't follow the principle of ordinary people having a table for men and women, but instead, the empress dowager and the empress set up a table at the top, and at the bottom, the princes, princesses and concubines took their seats in order of rank.

There are instrumental music, singing and dancing in the hall to add to the fun, which is much more lively and extravagant than ordinary family banquets.

"It's rare for a family to sit together so well. This time, it's a real reunion." The queen mother is old, her legs and feet are not good, her eyes are not very good, and she is also very easily moved. She burst into tears as she spoke.

The emperor beside her persuaded: "Mother, today is a happy day."

"Yes, it's a happy day. Everyone, don't be restrained. There are no outsiders. The dishes are all served. Let's talk about homework while eating!" The Queen Mother hurriedly wiped away her tears.

During the banquet, seeing the empress dowager, the empress and the empress began to eat and drink with a smile on their faces. People started talking and laughing.

Jin Zijin also had to come, he sat alone at the table, did not drink, but asked someone to bring a pot of tea.

He has lived in Qishan since he was a child, and he is not addicted to alcohol.

Opposite Lin Qianqing, sitting was not King Qin's main concubine, but the side concubine Xie Qinyun.At this moment, Xie Qinyun was winking at Lin Qianqing, and she couldn't ignore her even if she wanted to.

Lin Qianqing looked at her slightly surprised, this family banquet had to bring the main concubine, I don't know why the main concubine didn't come, but Xie Qinyun's side concubine did.

Above, the queen also quickly discovered this problem.

She put down her wine glass, and her voice amplified a little, overshadowing the singing and dancing: "Why didn't Princess Qin come today, but Concubine Xie side came."

Although the queen's voice was not too loud, everyone sitting there had already heard it.The empress dowager and the emperor above all looked this way!
Since the queen mentioned it, King Qin naturally couldn't ignore it.He pulled Xie Qinyun to stand up, and replied respectfully: "After returning to my mother, the princess is not feeling well, and she is resting in the mansion. Ayun likes to be lively, so I took her to have a look."

The queen mother was very happy today, and said with a busy smile: "It's better to have a side concubine here than to be alone." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jin Zijin who was sitting alone drinking without saying a word, and was stunned again. sad.She said: "Xiao Ran and Ting Yu have already married. As the eldest brother, Zijin is over thirty now, and he is still alone. Your Majesty, this is not good for the heir."

The emperor whispered to her: "The Taoist method has the effect of prolonging life. Queen Mother, look at the national teacher and the celestial teacher. One is over eighty and the other is over a hundred years old. Their bones are healthier than ordinary young men. By the side of the Heavenly Master Qishan, they learn Taoism and nature, so you can't judge it by the age of ordinary people!"

"Then...he is over [-] years old. He used to practice Taoism, but now he doesn't practice it anymore. He should start a family at this age."

(End of this chapter)

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