Chapter 964 Plot Reversal
Fortunately, she had already made the main body of the clothes last night and put them in her own clothes.

It doesn't matter if the cloth is cut, it's for decoration anyway.

Gu Youyou said to Xiang Toon: "You sleep during the day and keep guard in your clothes."

A court lady outside asked Gu Youyou in surprise: "Miss Gu, how can you participate in the competition if your things are destroyed? Do you want to report this to Concubine Sheng? The imperial concubine will definitely decide for you."

Hearing what the maids said, the girls became even more frightened.

Gu Youyou glanced over those girls out of the corner of her eye, and she already knew it in her heart.

That young lady's gaze was too calm, but her maid was too flustered.

I heard that her eldest sister was the side concubine who married Lin Qianqing into the Jin Palace. When Gu Youyou entered the palace for the first time, she met Mrs. Zhang bringing Miss Zhang into the palace, and her aunt was very angry at that Mrs. Zhang.

"No!" Gu Youyou said, "Time is limited. I told the imperial concubine that there must be an interrogation. At that time, the ladies in our room will not be able to do good job as maids, and it will be cheaper for others."

After today, the homework will be handed in tomorrow. She doesn't have time to find out who did it. That would be the trick of some people.Moreover, what Gu Youyou said was a wake-up call to those who were looking for trouble. We are not the only competitors. This row of rooms are full of them. They can't wait to fight each other.

The palace maid left disappointed, Gu Youyou curled her lips lightly, and said in her heart: So-and-so really made a mistake in her calculations, she is not an idiot who will blow up when she is provoked casually.

A girl felt that Gu Youyou's words just now made sense, and thanked Gu Youyou for not causing trouble to them, so she walked up to Gu Youyou timidly, and said in a low voice, "Doctor Gu, I really didn't do it." .”

Gu Youyou lightly said to her, "Yes, I know."

One came to express his opinion, and soon another girl came to express his opinion, "Doctor Gu, it's not me."

"Well, I know." Gu Youyou said.

"It's not me either," said another girl.

"Okay, I know!" Gu Youyou said again.

There are altogether five girls living in this house, and now only Miss Zhang is left.

Everyone looked at her.

The calm Miss Zhang is not calm now, her complexion is a little pale, and she thought: This Gu Youyou is really powerful, but it's a pity that she is still not her opponent.I have the backing of the queen, the queen will control the items of the competition, and only pick what she is good at. She is a talented woman, and she is at least a head behind her elder sister. Apart from her elder sister, there is no one in the capital who is better than her. I don't believe it It can't compare to these women.

"It's not me either." She said flatly.

Gu Youyou didn't speak, and left with a mysterious look in his eyes.

Miss Zhang kept a smile on her face, and she slowly put it away until she couldn't see it.

Anyone who is not too stupid will know what is going on.

The eyes of those girls looking at Miss Zhang have changed. How much they hated Gu Youyou before, now they hate Miss Zhang.

Miss Zhang's face was ashen, she never expected that Gu Youyou seemed to have done nothing, but she had already defeated her completely.

"Miss Biao, you are really amazing." Xiang Toon said with a look of admiration.

Gu Youyou said with a low smile: "This is called four or two, and sometimes you may not get benefits from head-to-head encounters."

 Eighty chapters are over, thank you for your support.

  Ten chapters at 07:30 tomorrow morning, from now on, ten chapters a day, any changes will be notified in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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