Chapter 967 Consecutive Wins
He automatically ignored her last sentence, and said: "Fortunately, Concubine Sheng still remembers the old master's affection, and it is not very difficult for her to step forward."

Jin Zijin also omitted the fact that he persuaded the emperor to agree to him.

But for Jin Zijin, it wasn't for him, it was just for the master's sake, he would comfort himself like this.

"What about you? Do you feel it's going well?" He knew everything about Gu Youyou's situation here, so asking such a question was just a casual question.

He believed that Yoyo could handle it by himself.

Gu Youyou said: "Of course it didn't go well, someone made a trip, but I know you must have solved the big trouble secretly."

Jin Zijin laughed and said, "You really know everything."

Pressing her into the quilt again, Jin Zijin sat on the edge of the bed and whispered, "I have to go back, I can't be with you all the time tonight, you should go to bed early, and have a good rest tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will probably be about painting and calligraphy Or poetry. The second lady of Prime Minister Zhang’s family that the empress favors, she is good at calligraphy, painting and poetry.”

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "Then she just hit the gun? Unfortunately, these young ladies also learned well."


The next competition is to write poems, this one is tacky, and the theme is still spring flowers.

The others wrote a poem by Yi Chunhua. Although most of them did not do well, that Miss Zhang, I have to say that she did a good job.

Gu Youyou picked up a bargain, there were too many flower-themed poems, she just picked up a famous masterpiece and won.

Up to this round, twenty people have won.

In the next round, Concubine Sheng announced that today's competition is a poster, each person writes a pair of words for the competition, and the content is determined, just write about the female ring.

People with a little background will send their daughters to that private school for women. In the private school for women, what is taught is the Four Books for Women, and the Four Books for Women mainly focus on women's precepts. A female ring comes.

Originally, Gu Youyou didn't know how to do it, but after being punished a lot by her aunt, she almost knew how to do it.

She was just not sure if she could write it silently, which made her a little worried.

But she didn't want to, the queen above was more worried than her.

Since it was handed over to Concubine Sheng, the topic was given by Concubine Sheng, and the empress only knew that this was the test.

Nanny Li lowered her voice and said to the empress: "Gu Youyou is often punished by Mrs. Lin for copying women's precepts. She is very familiar with it. Before coming to the palace, she was punished a hundred times. Empress, this topic needs to be changed. "

The queen was startled, and felt that Li Nanny was right.

She straightened her appearance, and smiled gently at Concubine Sheng and the Queen Mother: "Queen Mother, Sister Sheng, I see, this female ring and these ladies are all good at it, there is no comparison. We will only choose one person in the end. Naturally, we must strive for perfection. Why don't you change the analogy."

The queen mother raised her eyebrows and said, "Then according to the queen's intention, what is the comparison?"

The queen laughed and said: "Compared to calligraphy, there is no need to write down the entire female ring, only a few words are enough."

The queen mother nodded and said: "The queen is right, so in your opinion, what should you write?"

"It's better to let these young ladies play freely. Let's choose first, judge ten excellent characters, and then hand them over to the emperor, cover up the signatures of the ladies, and let the emperor hand them over to the ministers in the court to choose, so that it is fair .”

Concubine Sheng looked at Gu Youyou worriedly, but Gu Youyou smiled back.

She was still afraid of being unfair, so it was naturally good to be so fair.

(End of this chapter)

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