Chapter 981

A lady next to her hurriedly said: "Princess Wangfei, you'd better go and have a look quickly, so that nothing happens to Prince Jin."

Lin Qianqing nodded, followed the maid for a few steps, then turned around and said to the ladies: "Ladies, I'm really sorry."

"It's all right, there will be opportunities to come to enjoy the flowers again in the future."

The ladies said one after another.

Lin Qianqing called Lu Luo and said, "Send all the ladies back."

"Princess farewell."


In the end, the flower viewing party could not be completed due to King Jin's sudden illness, and the others were sent away. As a doctor, Gu Youyou was naturally pulled by Lin Qianqing to treat King Jin's illness.

She is a doctor with good medical skills who happens to be at her family's house, if she doesn't see a doctor for her, it's unreasonable.

At the same time, Gu Youyou was also curious about what kind of illness that King Jin had, and suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain?
Before entering the study, Gu Youyou heard a man's yelling.

Following Lin Qianqing into the room, she saw a group of servants surrounding a soft couch in the study, and on that soft couch was King Jin who was lying on the couch, clutching his stomach and screaming.

Lin Qianqing stepped forward quickly, and said worriedly, "What's wrong, my lord?"

"Cousin, sister Lin, this king... This king's abdominal pain is unbearable, and I'm afraid I won't survive."

Lin Qianqing didn't like King Jin calling her concubine, concubine, etc. King Jin gradually understood, so every time he wanted to please her, he would call her cousin or sister Lin according to their seniority, as they did before they got married. .

"Don't talk yet, my cousin is just here, let her show you." Seeing King Jin who was sweating profusely in pain, Lin Qianqing hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

The winking maid took a small stool for Lin Qianqing to sit on, and brought one for Gu Youyou by the way.

Sitting in front of the soft couch, Gu Youyou first felt the pulse of King Jin.

Judging from the pulse condition, King Jin's pulse is powerful, calm and gentle, neither floating nor sinking, neither late nor counted, neither thin nor flooded, and even in rhythm.This is typical Pingmai, he is very healthy.

It's just that he looks constipated right now, with bulging veins and beads of sweat on his broad forehead, it's obvious that he's enduring enormous pain.

This made Gu Youyou doubt her pulse diagnosis technique for the first time.

Of course, not all diseases can be diagnosed through pulse diagnosis, but Gu Youyou habitually checks the pulse first when seeing a doctor, so that she has an idea in mind before asking about the patient's condition.

She withdrew her hand and asked King Jin, "His Royal Highness, where does it hurt you?"

"Tummy... belly." King Jin said with difficulty.


Gu Youyou stretched out his hand to King Jin's abdomen, and pressed it lightly.

"Ah, what are you doing so boldly?" King Jin half propped himself up, and yelled at Gu Youyou.

Lin Qianqing hurriedly pushed Prince Jin back on the soft couch, and said, "My cousin is a doctor, so she is naturally treating the prince. Please be safe, don't be impatient, your health is important."

"But you are not allowed to touch this king's body, men and women can't kiss each other."

Nima, who wants to touch your belly?

Gu Youyou slandered in her heart, but still had a professional smile on her face, and said, "Prince Jin, please rest assured that in the eyes of women, there is no distinction between men and women. Of course, if King Jin really feels that I can't let me touch your belly, Then King Jin can only hire another Gao Ming."

Gao Ming please?

How does that work?
He just wanted to make Gu Youyou look down on his illness and make her lose face.

Oh no, it's best to kill this king and give her a death sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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