It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 990: Paint Your Bridal Makeup By Yourself

Chapter 990: Paint Your Bridal Makeup By Yourself

"Oh, isn't that mountain a fairy mountain with gods? Didn't it say it would bless our Lotus Village? Why is it like this now?"

"Last year, Shunzi and the others were hunting in the mountains, and they saw gods, one white and one black, with childlike white hair. Later, the emperor heard the news and sent the general soldiers of Yangguan City to search the mountains. He was afraid that at some point he would offend the gods. That's why the gods want to punish us. What a crime, if this mountain collapses, not only our Lianhua Village, but Qingshui and the whole way down will be destroyed, this shitty emperor."

The villagers talked a lot, and finally attributed the natural disaster to the anger of the gods.

Qin Changlin followed Shunzi and the others.

Shunzi's parents were inseparable from the Wang family, he had no choice but to flee for his life with his wife, children and brother-in-law.

When they reached the high mountain depression, there were bursts of rumbling sounds from the back mountain of Lianhua Village, like thunder.

Looking back, I saw that the heavy rain became more and more intense, and the tumbling mudslides rushed down the mountain, quickly burying the low houses in Lianhua Village.

For those villagers who are reluctant to leave, the slow speed may be in danger.

The sky and the earth were howling, everyone's tears mixed with the rainwater, and they ran for their lives desperately, ignoring other things.


The weather in the north is scorching hot, and the heavy snow in winter has long passed. This year's temperature seems to be rising much faster than in previous years.With the weather in May, everyone has already put on summer tulle.

The servants of the Lin Mansion complained while wiping their sweat, "There are more things than when the eldest lady got married. This limelight has already overwhelmed King Jin's marriage to the eldest lady. Such a large dowry is just a pain for us coolies."

The maid who was counting the dowry next to her said in a low voice: "Keep your voice down, work hard, these things are priceless, if you accidentally break one, you won't be able to pay for it if you sell it."

Another person persuaded: "Yes, don't be jealous. I heard that she didn't even want the dowry prepared by the Lin family for Miss Biao. Miss Biao's dowry was prepared by herself. Jishengtang, Manxiu The big bosses behind the building are all Miss Biao."

"Really? Miss Biao is really capable. Wasn't she born as a peasant girl? Why is she so powerful?"

An older woman said: "Hey, you don't know something. I came from the countryside and know a lot about our Lin family. Before the Lin family went to Beijing, they were already well-known in Qingshui Town All those rich family fortunes were earned by Miss Biao’s mother, and Miss Biao was a good businessman at that time, I think Miss Biao followed her mother.”

"Oh I got it!"

In this way, they took another high look at the cousin.

There is also a reason for the Lin family to be kind to Miss Biao. Since Mr. Lin is today because of his sister, it should be repaid to his niece.

But Miss Biao is also really good, so much dowry, all earned by herself, she just didn't take a piece of the Lin family.

Hmm, of course it's amazing, otherwise Miss Biao is going to marry the eldest prince!

The dowry is all arranged, and it will be taken away when the day comes.

With the help of several maidservants, Gu Youyou put on the bridal makeup. She just asked them to finish the complicated headgear. As for the makeup, she did it herself.

Having been the eldest lady of the Gu family for more than [-] years, she can do all kinds of exquisite makeup at her fingertips.

Soon a gorgeous but not vulgar makeup was done, which set off her skin that was one size fairer than ordinary people's, making it bright and moving.

 From arranging Orion to see two old men fight, to heavy snow in the north, heavy rain in the south, and then to landslides, it finally elicited the common people's feeling that it was the gods who were angry, and their words were scary. The people at that time were still ignorant. Opportunity to mess up.

  Come here first, and come back during the rest of the day, at 12:[-] noon

(End of this chapter)

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