Chapter 1299
Ying Chensheng: ...

At this moment, his heart was already going crazy.

The smell of birds filled his nostrils, and everywhere he looked now, he could see white bird droppings on his body, which made him sick to death.

I really want to kill that big fat bird!
"Hahahahahahahahahaha..." Qin Huanhuan sat on the ground laughing.

Ying Chensheng's embarrassing side, she probably only saw this once in her life!

Seeing him walking towards her in bird droppings, she really wanted to die of laughter.

Ying Chensheng's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. Hearing Qin Huanhuan's laughter, his heart burst into tears.

What about true love?

He was under the hail of bullets, and she was sitting here watching a joke!
/ (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~
"Are you okay?" Qin Huanhuan asked with a twitching smile.

Ying Chensheng: ...

Is he okay, can't she see it?

"This Chiyang bird is so interesting, it even called its little friends to come to you." Qin Huan laughed happily.

Ying Chensheng said with a dark face, "I want to take a bath."

"Ah..." Qin Huanhuan looked at Ying Chensheng's appearance at this time, nodded, and said, "It really needs to be washed well, it's too smelly."


Ying Chensheng's fragile heart was stabbed by Qin Huanhuan again, it hurt too much.

"But there seems to be no water source around here?" Qin Huanhuan said.

Ying Chensheng: ...

The nearest water source seems to take about a day to walk.

Even if they walked without sleep, it would take most of the day.

Could it be that he had to bear this bird shit for a long time?

It is estimated that after most of the day, the bird droppings will have dried on him!

Ying Chensheng's face was dark and gloomy, and he wished he could rush back and drag that big fat bird off, strip off its feathers, and then stew and eat it!
Seeing that Ying Chensheng's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he still kept silent, Qin Huanhuan scratched her head and finally took out her fan.

"This is a flying fan, otherwise you should rush there first, you should be able to reach the water source in half an hour." Qin Huanhuan said: "You wait for me at the water source, and I will rush there in the afternoon."

Ying Chensheng stretched out his only hand that was not stained with bird feces, and caught Qin Huanhuan's aircraft.

He wants to leave, but...

What would Qin Huanhuan do if he left?
Could it be that Qin Huanhuan was really allowed to travel through the forest by himself?
What if there are beasts?
What if someone attacks you?
just in case……

Suddenly, a lot of what-ifs came to Ying Chensheng's mind.

At this moment, he completely forgot that for Qin Huanhuan, he was the weak one.

Qin Huanhuan was still afraid that he would encounter some danger!

Seeing that Ying Chensheng did not move at all, Qin Huanhuan guessed: "You are not afraid that I will be in danger, are you?"

Ying Chensheng nodded when he heard the words, and said, "I won't wash it anymore, I'll wash it in the afternoon."

Even if it stinks, he is not willing to leave Qin Huanhuan alone in this forest.

Qin Huanhuan: ...

Qin Huanhuan's eyes widened, and he looked at Ying Chensheng as if you were teasing me, and said, "Aren't you afraid of fuming yourself to death?"

Ying Chensheng shook his head.

"But I think it will smoke me to death." Qin Huanhuan said.

Ying Chensheng: ...

Another cut, and my chest hurts.

Seeing a tinge of grievance on Ying Chensheng's expression, Qin Huanhuan held back a smile and said, "Don't worry, it's okay, you go, I'll be there soon."

She wanted to say that if she worked hard, she would be able to get there in no time. The reason she walked so slowly on weekdays was because Ying Chensheng had no energy.

But saying this would hurt someone, so Qin Huanhuan just slandered in secret.

(End of this chapter)

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