Chapter 1056 Suicide!
Knowing that Xu Yao is from the Yin family, and now that everyone in the Yin family is finished, then Xu Yao must also be finished together!
Wen Wanwan immediately ran to find Old Man Yan, and when she passed by the living room on the second floor, she saw Old Man Yan sitting on the sofa, and Yan Jinchen was also there.

Seeing Wen Wanwan coming in a hurry, followed by Yan Shengli, Old Man Yan and Yan Jinchen were quite surprised.

"Wanwan, why are you walking in such a hurry? Watch out for the fetus!"

Old man Yan stood up nervously to remind, but these words pierced Yan Jinchen's heart sharply.

Wen Wanwan walked straight up to Old Man Yan with a anxious expression on her face.

"Grandpa, do you know that Xu Yao? It's the woman who has been with Yin Ziling all the time. Where is she now? I want to see her!"

"You want to see that woman?"

Old Man Yan looked at Wen Wanwan suspiciously and then turned to look at Yan Jinchen.

"Jinchen, have you told Wanwan and Ali about that?"

Yan Shengli, who had just walked to Wen Wanwan's side, felt puzzled when he heard this.

"That thing? What's the matter?"

Upon hearing this, they were obviously unaware.

Old Man Yan sighed softly, with a slight look of displeasure on his face.

"Jinchen, tell me."

Yan Jinchen nodded when he heard the words, stood up and looked at Yan Shengli.

"Actually, I wanted to tell you when I was in the garden, but Ari, you were not feeling well, so I ended up talking halfway."

Yan Jinchen paused.

"The Yin family moved something that shouldn't have happened back then. They wanted to eradicate the descendants of our Yan family, and they secretly bought people's hearts and waited for an opportunity to seize power. That's why they asked the people below to kidnap us. At that time, the person who kidnapped you, A Li, was Xu Yao's family, when that matter failed, they killed themselves so as not to let us investigate further."

Hearing this, Wen Wanwan seemed to understand.

This is what often happens in the house of the king, and it still happens today.

Wen Wanwan silently felt sorry for Yan Shengli, but felt helpless.

"After the failure of this matter, they have not dared to move around for more than ten years, and the people of the Yin family have trained Yin Ziling very well, let Yin Ziling please grandpa's favor, and planned to make her the prince's princess. In this way, The Yin family can also be regarded as members of the royal family, they will be prosperous and wealthy all their lives, and they are superior to others."

It turned out that it was the rich and powerful who were at work again.

"Xu Yao is ten years older than Yin Ziling and has taken care of Yin Ziling since she was a child. But I think she must have always hated her father and elder brother for committing suicide because of the kidnapping, so she will help Yin Ziling do whatever she wants."

"It's just that evil can't prevail against good, isn't it?"

Yan Shengli suddenly opened his lips, and summed up all the grievances and grievances in four words.

Wen Wanwan also pulled herself together.

Right and wrong in the past are no longer important, now she just wants to unravel Yan Shengli's hypnosis!
"What about her? That Xu Yao, where is she now?"

She asked eagerly.

Yan Jinchen felt strange and frowned slightly.

"Wanwan, do you want to see Xu Yao?"

"Yes! I want to see her! I want to see her right away!"

"This woman is dead."

Suddenly, old man Yan said this.

Wen Wanwan felt cold all over.

"She's dead?"


Yan Jinchen also gave two words of affirmation, then opened his lips and added four words.

"Suicide in fear of guilt."

He committed suicide!
It's dead!

Wen Wanwan was stunned, unable to accept such a fact at all!

Xu Yao is dead, who will help Yan Shengli undo the hypnosis!

Could it be that her Ah Li's thoughts are going to be disturbed and influenced like that all her life!


No way!

(End of this chapter)

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