The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1102 She Admitted Her First Life

Chapter 1102 She Admitted Her Life

It wasn't until the smell of blood came from each other's mouths, Bei Tinghuang's pupils seemed to be filled with bloodshot eyes, and her nose and mouth were overflowing with blood, Yan Ye jumped up from her body.He couldn't bear to see his woman like this, she had already fallen in love with him, and only falling in love would trigger the punishment of the blood contract from heaven.Yan Ye didn't dare to stay longer, he moved, and had already left the room, only his voice came through the sound transmission of the soul, "Huang'er, you can participate in the alchemy competition at ease, I will wait for you in Yancheng!"

"Okay!" Bei Tinghuang, who restrained his emotions and calmed down, responded, fearing that he would be worried, and said, "I'm fine, let's go!"

Yan Ye's figure was already hundreds of miles away, hanging between the clouds, looking through the sky hundreds of miles away, looking at the house in Danska City, and there was his woman inside.He clenched his fists tightly, the lust in his purple pupils had subsided, he stretched out the tip of his tongue, and licked his lips lightly, licking the taste of Bei Tinghuang that remained on it, and licked it into his mouth without any sparing. Fine aftertaste.

"She admitted her life, and she could not admit it at all. No one needs to be responsible for her past life, or even the previous life, but she still accepted it." Yan Ye couldn't tell what it was like, "She is still like this I would rather wrong myself than betray me! It was like this ten thousand years ago, and it's like this in this life, even if I give my life to her, I can't repay her half a cent."

The four guards, following behind him from a distance, saw the thick black mist lingering around Yan Ye, looked at each other, and lowered their heads.I don't know how many years I have been with Yan Ye, but I know very well that at this time, Yan Ye's mood has been hit to the extreme.

"Hasn't the empress already accepted the master? Why isn't the master happy?" Qiongqi sent a voice transmission to Bai Ze's soul.

"The empress almost bleeds to death from her seven orifices just now, didn't you see?" Bai Ze said angrily.

"No, all I know is that the master almost swallowed the empress, is it that delicious?" Qiongqi asked puzzled.

"Idiot!" Bai Ze didn't need to say anything.

Bai Ze, Xuan Wu, and Bi Fang were all very restless at this moment.Although a woman like the Empress is good, she is really too strong.They all remembered that ten thousand years ago, the empress loved her master very much, but every time the master visited her, she would hurt him in various ways.Even, she didn't know where she knew that a woman came to the Blood Moon Palace. She was actually a guest. It was Bingfeng from Longfeng Valley, who came to talk with the Yanmotian clan about mining a vein of magic source stone on behalf of Longfeng Valley.

The empress used this as an excuse to not see her master for three whole years.Not to mention, when the master went to see her, she deliberately flirted with a general stationed in Tongshan, and the master was so angry that he tore the general into pieces. Favorite man got killed.

At that time, no one in the entire Yanmotian clan liked her.Everyone said that she was a witch who was a disaster for the country.

No one thought that she tried every means to make her master hate her and let her go.She has been imprisoned for more than 2000 years. After the master endured for three years and stopped seeing her, when she wanted to get used to not having her, she asked the master to marry her. In the end..., it turned out to be like that.

"Huang'er, your character hasn't changed at all. Ten thousand years ago, ten thousand years ago, you were also attracted to me, right?" Yan Ye was a little speechless, "One hundred thousand miles of Tongshan, I have never Thinking of, in 2000, you planted all the Bianhua flowers in that mountain depression. When I was young, you said that you wanted me to marry you, and you said that you would plant all Bianhua flowers in the place where we live. You have not forgotten, and you have always remembered!"

(End of this chapter)

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