The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1104 Get a Pharmacist Qualification Certificate

Chapter 1104 Get a Pharmacist Qualification Certificate

Although Bei Ting Huang's mood has calmed down, the damage to Huang City has dealt a great blow to her, and it has also caused her temperament to change a little bit, with a little indifference in the coldness, at least in In the short term, she might not be able to let go.

Danska City has returned to its former prosperity and bustling. On the streets on both sides, the smell of herbs wafts from the shops and stalls. Beitinghuang still does not forget to pay attention to the herbs, and is always afraid of missing the precious herbs.

"Big brother, buy my herbs, big brother, my father picked all my herbs from the deepest part of the Xingyue Plain, you can buy one!"

The hem of Bei Tinghuang's clothes was suddenly pulled by someone, she turned her head and saw a little boy holding her hem carefully, holding a bamboo basket in his arms, inside were several common herbs.Bei Tinghuang's eyes fell on this child, and saw that he was wearing a very ill-fitting shirt, and his trousers were too short, but they looked a bit like cropped trousers, with layers of patches on them. Children from very poor families.

Bei Tinghuang's eyes were a little light, and she fell on the hem of the clothes that the child was holding her. She shook her head slowly, "These herbs are all first-grade or second-grade, and I don't need them for now." After she finished speaking, she touched Handed out a gold coin to the little boy, "Brother, thank you very much for recommending these medicinal materials to him. If you really have good medicinal materials, send them to the Shangzhi Hotel and tell the people there. Master, they will pay you."

Seeing this gold coin, a greedy gaze flashed in the little boy's eyes, but soon, the gaze flashed like a firefly and went out instantly.He seemed to be scalded by the gold coin, and quickly backed away, waving his hands and said, "No, I can't take it. If you don't need it, big brother, I'll sell it to someone else."

After the little boy finished speaking, he ran away and stood between the stalls on both sides of the street. Before he could stand still, he was chased away by the stall owners on both sides.

"Poor boy, don't leave, this is not the place for you."

"Stinky boy, you want to grab the land of labor and management, you don't want to die, do you?"

The little boy was only five or six years old, with short hair, a round face, eyes as bright as stars in the sky, and the contours of his face were extremely beautiful.It's just that the originally beautiful face was covered by dirt, making it not very real.

"This brat is just like his father. He didn't even want a gold coin that the adult gave him just now. He deserves to be so poor."

"Yes, that's right. If it wasn't for this, would his mother run away with someone? Hehe, I don't think he's capable...but that bitch..."

The little boy came out from the crack of the stall, and heard the discussion of the two people behind him, his round eyes turned red at this moment.Hearing that the discussion was becoming more and more unbearable, he seemed to be unable to bear it any longer and put the basket in his hand on the ground, turned around and rushed towards the stall owner who was smiling wickedly, his weak fist He thumped that person fiercely, "Don't talk about my mother, don't talk about my father!"

"Oh, this brat still dares to hit someone?" The stall owner was caught off guard by the little boy and fell to the ground. After being punched twice in the face, he straightened himself up and got up from the ground.The stall owner was tall and thick, and the little boy was thrown on the ground by him. As soon as the guy stood up, he raised his foot and kicked the little boy fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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