The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1110 They deserve to die!

Chapter 1110 They deserve to die!
On the street, Bei Tinghuang's figure had disappeared around the corner, and her voice was carried by a gust of wind, reaching everyone's ears, "...Remember one thing, from now on you will be the younger brother of the leader of the Alliance Empire, No one can bully you, and everyone who bullies you will have to pay the price!"

Following her words, Hu San, who had risen into the sky, lost the strength supporting him below, and fell straight down from the sky.The speed was almost unimaginable. Like a grenade, it shot straight at Li Er on the ground.

This is by no means a free fall, but a force in the sky that is manipulating him and throwing him down from above.

Hu San slammed into Li Er fiercely, and a white liquid shot out towards the onlookers.The ground collapsed because of Hu San's power, and cracks appeared on the ground paved with white jade spirit stones.The huge airflow hit the medicinal material stalls around the two of them and scattered them around, and gurgling red liquid dripped out from under the two of them.

The onlookers just backed away numbly. There was a dead silence in the crowd. Pairs of horrified and bewildered eyes stared at the two people on the ground. They were spread out on the ground like torn rags, lifeless.

"Dead, dead, dead, dead?"

I don't know who it was, and asked such a sentence with a trembling voice, which woke everyone up, and then glanced at the two people on the ground. These two people are the bullies of the entire Danska City. Even the skulls have been shattered, no one doubts that these two people are already dead, they can't die anymore!

There was a chill down the back of the spine, especially those who had participated in bullying Bai Rong. Seeing this scene, they only felt that the god of death had come, and the shadow of death was also hanging over their heads.Countless people no longer repent in their hearts, that is a child, why should they bully a child?After doing that kind of unconscionable thing, will they suffer the same retribution one day?

No one can forget that just a few minutes ago, Hu San raised the child high and fell hard to the ground, intending to kill the child.

If there is no Bei Ting Huang, I am afraid that at this time, it is that child who is showing such a miserable state.Conscience awakened at this moment, and a feeling more terrifying than death enveloped everyone's hearts.They are not monsters, even if they are monsters, they will only prey on them when they are hungry, and they will fight when fighting for territory, and even try to avoid killing young monsters.Instead, like the two people who died on the ground, they regarded falling a child to death as a fun game.

"They deserve to die!"

"That child Bai Rong is so young and very sensible. It was the God of Creation who sent Master Beitinghuang to help him!"

"I heard that the Union Empire is like this. No fights are allowed in the city, and any disputes must be reported to the law enforcement officers. It is even less allowed to bully people who are weaker than you."

"If this is the case, then I will find a way to emigrate. I don't know if the Alliance Empire will take me in. I want to sell medicinal materials there."

"Go, the new Phoenix City is much bigger than the old Phoenix City, and it definitely needs people. Let's go together. It's close to the Demonic Beast Forest, and there must be a lot of medicinal materials."

Bei Tinghuang probably didn't expect that she would win a strong team of medicinal materials for her with a simple move. The entire Xinhuang City had to split a large area to build a special medicinal material team. district.

At this time, holding Bai Rong's hand, she stood in a place that could not be called a house at all, but could only be regarded as a ruined place, and her heart was already strongly shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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