The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1123 Mo Li, Don't Leave, Don't Give Up

Chapter 1123 Mo Li, Don't Leave, Don't Give Up

Walking into the pharmacists' union, a strong fragrance came to me.This fragrance is also different from the smell mixed with various medicinal materials on Danska City Street. If you taste it carefully, it is a coil refined from medicinal materials that have the effect of concentrating the mind.Many masters like to burn this kind of incense when they are practicing, but this incense is endlessly refined, and it needs an earth fire level pharmacist to refine it. The price is so expensive that ordinary people have no chance to see it.

It seems that the pharmacists union is still very strong.

"I don't know what your name is?" Cao Shen could see that he was very interested in Bei Tinghuang, especially when he asked, Mo Li, who was always very indifferent to people and things, turned his head and looked at Bei Tinghuang.

Bei Tinghuang smiled slightly, responded to Mo Li's gaze, nodded at him, and said sincerely, "Yue Jiu! My name is Yue Jiu!"

September nine?These days, why are there more and more people named "Nine"?Before Cao Shen had time to question, he heard Mo Li say with a smile, "My name is Mo Li!"

Bei Tinghuang had heard of this name before, just now at the door, amidst the discussion among the crowd, she still nodded appreciatively, "Mo Li, Mo Li Mo Qi, it's a good name!"

"Yuejiu, everlasting, your name is also very good!" Mo Li kept turning his head to look back at Bei Tinghuang, Bei Tinghuang took two quick steps, walked to his side, and talked with him.

Almost everyone looked at Moli with pity, what a pity.He has a handsome appearance and an extraordinary bearing. He must have been Mr. Pianpianjia once, and he has captured many hearts. Even now, he sits in a wheelchair, only silent, like a timeless painting, once caught in people's eyes , it enters into the hearts of people.

Such a person, how can people not feel pity?His teacher, for so many years, has been devoting himself to refining the elixir that can make his legs stand up, and even neglected the elixirs of the elixir, and has been looking at him with guilty eyes, seeing him more than himself My own son wants to be kissed.

Only Bei Tinghuang, seeing him for the first time, was amazed and nothing else. It seemed that it was normal for him to be in a wheelchair, even more normal than seeing his legs upright.

This kind of look makes Mo Li feel no pressure for the first time, the closer he gets to Bei Ting Huang, the more her aura can touch his heart.

In this world, there is nothing difficult to get her, and there is no difficulty that cannot be surpassed.

"Xiao Jiu, to participate in the Alchemist Qualification Competition, someone needs to issue a letter of introduction. How about I be your introducer?" Mo Li said seriously.

Hearing Mo Li's words, the group of people walking towards them were almost stunned.This group of people were all wearing white alchemist robes, and they could be seen at a glance as members of the alchemist union.There is no one who doesn't know Moli, and they are all familiar with him. He is so indifferent that he will not frown even when the sky falls.Don't look at him always wearing a faint smile. In fact, his eyes are distant and his personality is indifferent. Except for his teacher, no one pays attention to him.

Has the sun risen in the west today?How did they hear that Mo Li said that he wanted to introduce this boy?
Does Mo Li know how much risk the introducer takes?Who would do such a thankless thing if he didn't know the basics and didn't get great benefits from others?
Who is this man?Who is it from Master Moli?

(End of this chapter)

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