The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1126 Jiarui and Moli are like this

Chapter 1126 Jiarui and Moli are like this
People like Moli, no matter what they think in their hearts, are always very gentle towards others, with the image of a modest gentleman, but he doesn't know what kind of demon he has fallen into today, but he feels a little resentful towards Bei Tinghuang.To say that it was all because of Bei Tinghuang's refusal would be unreasonable, always, with a bad attitude, "Cao Tai is a villain, he usually obeys Jia Rui's advice, and it's normal to trip you up on purpose. You run around What? If you followed me, you would have already signed up."

How did Bei Tinghuang know that he took her to the place where she signed up?Seeing that Moli was impatient, she didn't care about it, and went forward to push Moli's wheelchair. Moli's whole body froze for a moment. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he actually refused for the first time that anyone other than his teacher touch his wheelchair. .

"What's going on with that kid Mo Li today? Treating this brat so well?"

"Is it against Master Cao Tai on purpose? Seeing that Master Cao Tai hates this brat, he deliberately treats him well!"

"Hehe, it's normal. After all, our Miss Jiarui once fell in love with Master Moli, if it weren't for those legs..."

When Bei Tinghuang heard this, she also sighed heavily. A woman like Jia Rui is a disaster!However, seeing Mo Li as if he hadn't heard it at all, Bei Tinghuang was thinking, he probably heard this kind of words no less than ten thousand times, so he didn't take it to heart at all, right?

She didn't know what happened to Mo Li's legs, whether they were the same as Ximen Bai's.After all, it was the first time I met Moli, and she couldn't offer to help Moli take a look, so she pushed his wheelchair and followed Moli's instructions, and walked towards the registration place.

The place to register turned out to be in the lobby, in a corner room.It may be that Bei Tinghuang came late, and a sign that was originally erected at the door has been removed and placed in the room.It's no wonder that Bei Tinghuang has watched outside several times, but didn't find this registration point.

Because of Mo Li's presence, the registration process was quick.The person in charge gave Bei Tinghuang a sticker to stick on his back. With this sticker, he could enter the examination room and find his test position according to the serial number on the sticker.

Although the process is not very strict, this is the qualification exam for pharmacists. If it is not a pharmacist, no one will get involved in it. I'm not afraid of people impostors and the like.

After turning back, the entire qualifying arena was in order. Some of the onlookers all retreated, and some stood in the corridor on the second or third floor, watching the arena below.

On the arena, a ding ding was placed on each stove, and various medicinal materials were placed on the platform next to it. A total of hundreds of pharmacists participating in this qualifying competition were all in place. Like Bei Tinghuang, their serial numbers were pasted on their backs, and they stood on the corresponding examination seats, looking a little nervous.

Bei Tinghuang spotted her own examination seat, and was about to talk to Mo Li before going up to the examination seat, when she heard a commotion.

"Master Cao Tai is the examiner, hey, why is the examiner now Master Cao Tai?"

"Hahaha, do you even need to ask? This qualifying competition will be held together with the pharmacist examination, and our Miss Jiarui will also take the examination!"

"Isn't it so obvious?"

"I heard that there are other reasons, because some of the participants this time..."

(End of this chapter)

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