The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1130 I'm Not For You!

Chapter 1130 I'm Not For You!
"How do you know if you don't try?"

Qingyue's arrogant, domineering voice resounded throughout the audience, like a thunderbolt, resounding in everyone's ears.No one thought that this young man would say such a thing, which meant that she had accepted the test of the fifth-grade elixir "Xu Jin Dan"?

Does she even know what she's doing?Does she really know what the Tendon Renewal Pill really means?
This prescription was copied from an ancient book by the president of the Alchemists Union.It is also the last hope for Moli's legs.For so many years, even the fourth-grade pharmacist President Cao Can has been refining this elixir, but he has never refined it. This young man, is her strength stronger than the president?No one will believe this when it is said.

"you come down!"

There was a booming sound, and no one could have imagined that this sound came from a person like Mo Li.There are too many strange and abnormal things that happened today, and everyone is simply dizzy.His eyes fell on Moli, and he was so angry that his whole body was shaking. He pointed to the last examination seat on the first floor, and ordered Bei Tinghuang, "I said, you go to the first floor, don't stand there. on top."

Bei Tinghuang was in a daze for a moment. At this moment, the cinnabar between Moli's eyebrows was as red as blood. There were layers of water ripples in his clear eyes, making his eyes, like lake water, shone with broken light. flashing above.

Dressed in a snow-white robe, even though the background behind him is the simple building of the Alchemists Union, people can still see Xiaoxiao Cuizhu forming a shadow behind him.

"I'm not for you!" Bei Tinghuang said earnestly, her brows and eyes were soft, but what she said made everyone stagnate, and Mo Li was stunned for a moment, pursing her red lips angrily, for fear that what she said would be unpleasant Then, after a while, I heard her continue, "There is a big brother in my family, and his legs also need this kind of medicine."

After finishing speaking, Bei Tinghuang carefully looked at the herbs stacked in front of her.Each examination position has enough medicinal materials to refine three elixirs, which means that every person who takes the examination needs to independently refine a elixir within the specified time.If all the three medicinal materials are useless, it means that the exam has failed.

"Although I can only refine three pills, it's enough!" Bei Tinghuang picked up one of the Linghuang grasses, "This herb is not easy to come by. It seems that Jiarui and Cao Tai also made small shoes for me. No cost was lost."

Originally, the reason why Bei Tinghuang was going to go to the medicine market to take a look after she settled the affairs here was that although she had a lot of medicines in hand, she was missing the herb Linghuangcao.The reason why she didn't buy it after seeing it was because it was expensive, and secondly, no one around her had leg problems.

Now, since Qihuo's medicinal materials are delivered to the door, how could a person like Bei Tinghuang, who is a villain who has an advantage and does not take advantage of it, get down from the five-story high platform and squeeze a seat with so many people?
Seeing that Bei Tinghuang was so unbelievable that she insisted on staying on the stage five, Cao Tai and Jia Rui, who had been apprehensive because of Cao Shen's intervention, heaved a sigh of relief.Both of them looked at her with the eyes of an idiot, thinking in their hearts, this idiot, there must be a limit to his pretense, if he falls into the quagmire, if someone pulls her, she won't do it, but she must be brave. Climb up by yourself to see if you can't drown her!

"Since everyone has no objections, then..." Cao Tai stood on the high judgment platform, raised his hand, with a smile of success hanging from the corner of his mouth, and swung his hand down violently, "Then start!"

(End of this chapter)

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