The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1140 Rank 5 pharmacist, object!

Chapter 1140 Fifth Grade Alchemist, Object!

Bei Tinghuang directly took a step in the air, landed in front of Moli, glanced at him again, and handed him one of the Tendon Renewing Pills, "Good luck, I refined two of them, if you don't like it, Then throw it away!"

Throw it away, throw it away, throw it away!
In everyone's mind, it was like several muffled thunders.Are these two out of order?What did you say?This is a fifth-grade continuation pill, how can it be thrown away?Even if it is thrown into the latrine, someone will dig out the latrine, pick it up, and take it to the auction house, and there will definitely be someone who will lose everything and want to buy it.

Although he knew for a long time that Bei Tinghuang had the idea of ​​helping him refine the Tendon Renewal Pill, Mo Li still couldn't believe it when the facts were in front of him.They were strangers, they met by chance, they only exchanged a few simple words, why should she treat him so well?
Mo Li raised his head and stared at Bei Tinghuang. There was a little cinnabar between his eyebrows, like a ruby ​​inlaid on his forehead, reflecting the dazzling light under the sunlight.

Bei Tinghuang knows that no matter how determined a person is, as long as they are physically disabled, their temper will be somewhat paranoid.For a proud person like Mo Li, who used to be a handsome young man like jade, this is even more so.She also ignored Mo Li's desperate mood, grabbed his hand, and stuffed the pill into Mo Li's palm.

Another pill, Bei Tinghuang handed it to Cao Shen, she stood with her arms folded, slightly tilted her head, she couldn't be more cool, "Hurry up, I have something to do!"

The elixir is in a beautiful oval shape, very symmetrical, it couldn't be more perfect, it is enough to see that the person who made the medicine is familiar with the technique.It is as round as pearl jade, and when it turns slightly under the sunlight, one can see a pale golden light on the elixir, which is mixed with silver threads like lightning, which do not make people doubt its medicinal properties at all.

"This, this, this is a fifth-grade pill? According to the old man, it is enough to reach a sixth-grade grade!" The light from his eyes made one suspect that this was not a pill, but a naked girl.

"Whether it's the fifth grade or the sixth grade, this time, my alchemist's guild is strong enough to compete with the Pill Valley!" Cao Shen held up the pill and turned around to all the alchemists who were shining fiery light towards him. circle around, so that everyone can clearly see the elixir between his fingers, and asked, "Fifth-rank pharmacist, grant Master Yuejiu the qualification of fifth-rank pharmacist, do you have any opinions?"

For the first time, when the alchemist union confers a badge of alchemist rank on a person, it actually consults the opinions of everyone present, which is really unprecedented.

However, everyone can understand, after all, a fifth-grade pharmacist!Seeing the divine light flickering on the elixir, and the looming power of thunder and lightning, everyone nodded excitedly, forgiving them for being speechless.As a pharmacist, it is almost natural to worship the strong, and no one can resist it.

Of course, except for one person!
Cao Tai glanced at Bei Tinghuang speculatively, and said in disapproval, "We just saw the elixir, and no one has seen the fifth-grade elixir, and we don't know the properties of the Chinese medicine. How can we do so?" Hastily conferring the qualification of a fifth-grade pharmacist? If it spreads out, wouldn’t it make people laugh?”

(End of this chapter)

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