Chapter 1146
"I know I'm wrong, please, help me!" The other party lowered his body and knocked his head to the ground
No one knew her expression at this moment, but Bei Tinghuang could tell her mood from her stiff body, and she was probably still unwilling.Miss Jiarui, who was once unparalleled in talent and beauty, was a famous beauty in Danska City, but now she has become an invisible monster.

Of course Jia Rui was not reconciled, she went to beg Cao Tai, but Cao Tai didn't see her at all.She also knew how much Cao Shen valued Moli. Over the years, for Moli, not only strength, but also the level of refining medicine could not be improved, all because of Moli.

As for her, it is nothing to stumbling Bei Tinghuang, but at the critical moment, she made a move during the process of forming a pill, trying to destroy the hard-won Xujin pill, which was completely against Cao Shen. How could she have the face to do so? See Cao Shen?
Even if she asks Cao Shen and Cao Shen agrees to help her, it may not be able to refine the sixth-grade Huiyan Bone Shaping Pill.

She knows Moli very well, he looks gentle but distant, but he is a very affectionate person.Otherwise, for so many years, he would not have had no grudge against Cao Can. Even after Cao Can contracted the celestial fire fox that hurt him like this, he still didn't have any resentment, and still behaved so gentle.

"Senior brother, please, save me, I know, only you can save me!" Jia Rui knelt on the ground, trembling all over, "I was wrong, I just realized now, senior brother loves me the most, I was wrong Yes, I already regret it, I dare not treat my brother badly after my brother's leg is disabled, and let down my brother's love for me! I swear, as long as my body can recover, I will definitely repay my brother, in this life, I only love my senior brother!"

What kind of bloody plot is this?Bei Tinghuang turned her head to look at Mo Li, seeing a trace of struggle in the latter's eyes, and quickly regained her composure.If it weren't for Bei Tinghuang's amazing eyesight, I'm afraid she would be difficult to catch at all.

With a sigh, why do men in the world like fickle women?Is it true that in response to that sentence, what you can't get is the best?

Cousin Chu Feng is like this, so is Mo Li!
When attacking Yinyue City back then, Bei Tinghuang thought that Chu Feng would take advantage of that opportunity to betray him by Yi Xue, the princess of Changle.Who knows, Chu Feng never let that woman show up, and he doesn't know what's going on now, Bei Tinghuang really doesn't want to see their old relationship rekindled.

And now, Moli is also in the same situation.Although he was very unwilling, Bei Tinghuang tried his best to calm his emotions and waited for Moli's decision. If he decided to rescue him, Bei Tinghuang would still follow Moli's wishes.

After waiting for a long time, the breath of the young man around him changed from hasty to gentle, and finally remained calm.

This process was undoubtedly a torment for Jiarui, and finally he heard his voice, "There is a three-day healing grass in the teacher's place. It is more than enough to restore your appearance. You should ask the teacher!"

After Mo Li finished speaking, he led Bei Tinghuang to leave, but Jia Rui grabbed his snow-white robe.She was wearing a pair of gloves, and Bei Tinghuang couldn't see her hands, but she was holding Mo Li tightly, and after hearing her hoarse voice, she couldn't help but want her to shut up, " Senior brother, my meridians have been damaged, and the three-day recovery spirit grass cannot restore my meridians, please senior brother!"

What is an inch?This is the real push!At this moment, even Bei Tinghuang felt admiration for her, what a courage!
(End of this chapter)

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