The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1159 Go to cheer for Your Excellency Bei Tinghuang

Chapter 1159 Go to cheer for Your Excellency Bei Tinghuang

Bei Tinghuang leaned against the window, nodded to the man, before she could say a word, several carriages approached, and some powerful people came down one after another, almost all of them were Lingzong.The aura of the superiors can be seen from them at a glance, and standing side by side with Yan Guowen also shows that the identities of these people must be the overlords of the Central Continent.

"Lord Bei Tinghuang, I am the president of the Healer Guild..."

"Lord Bei Tinghuang, I am the president of the Artifact Refiner's Union..."


Bei Tinghuang could tell that these people were all peak spirit sects, and they were only a step away from the divine rank.No matter how powerful the Alliance Empire is, they don't need to bow down to him so much. Now, she participated in an alchemy conference originally only for the soul-returning grass. She knew very well what these people came here for.

Breaking God Pill!
A God-breaking Pill can actually make so many strong men on the continent, who used to be the peak powerhouses in this continent, have to say, the profession of alchemist is really awesome!
As for the Breaking God Pill, it was possible to refine it because of the effect of the Chaos God Source in her body.Now, in her body, there is the source of chaos and the Ming Lingzhu, both of which are treasures left by the Creator God, and she has not even peeped out the tip of the iceberg at all for its effect.

"Yanye said that only when you advance to the god rank can you get the inheritance. I have practiced in the space for five days and five nights, and I have already met all the conditions to advance to the god rank. Why haven't I advanced yet?" Bei Tinghuang Confused in his heart, he had no choice but to face up to the powerful men who lowered their noble heads in front of him.

This is a crossroads, where two main roads intersect, and the crowds are dense. At this moment, seeing this scene, almost all the people came down quietly, held their breath, and saw this scene with a pair of unbelievable eyes .Even if they don't know these old men in front of Bei Tinghuang, their names are all peerless strong men who resound throughout the entire continent, and all of them are strong men who are in charge of one side.

Bei Tinghuang's carriage stopped, and the carriages of other forces including the Domi family who followed silently behind him also stopped. At this time, the leaders of every force stuck their heads out of the carriage and looked at the situation in front of them. Everyone was stunned by the scene.

There is no need to say more about how powerful the animal trainer union is.No healer can resist the temptation of the strength of a monster, even if it is an ordinary monster, no healer will refuse.And if the monsters want to be tamed, they have to rely on the animal trainer.

The Beast Trainers Guild has existed on the mainland for tens of thousands of years, and only other forces begged to come to them. It has never seen any animal trainers bow their heads to others.

At this moment, everyone remembered that under the halo of the powerful alchemist, they all forgot that Lord Bei Tinghuang is still a supreme beast tamer!For a while, there was a lot of discussion.

"Oh my god, I almost forgot about this one, Emma, ​​why don't I try my luck and let Master Bei Tinghuang help me tame a holy beast?"

"Holy beast? Ask a supreme animal trainer to help you tame a holy beast. Your head is caught by the door, right? That's a beast trainer who can tame super divine beasts!"

"Super Divine Beast, that sounds good. When did you hear that besides Master Bei Tinghuang, there are other people capable of catching super divine beasts?"

"That's right!"

Hearing the sudden eruption of discussions on the street after a brief silence, in Beitinghuang's space, those beasts locked inside by Beitinghuang all looked outside with contemptuous eyes. These people, the Supreme Beast Tamer?Obsolete!

(End of this chapter)

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