The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1163 The Super God Beast Driving the Car

Chapter 1163 The Super God Beast Driving the Car
At this time, even the people in the carriage following Bei Tinghuang felt jealous, and everyone was grateful that they didn't offend this young man when he was weak.Look at the Temple of Judgment, look at the Valley of Pills, all of them are powerful forces, but none of them are in his hands.

That's right, in the eyes of everyone, no one doubted that it was Bei Tinghuang, who was only 15 years old, who could push a Seven Swords Spirit Sect to such an extent.

"Aguer, go drive the car!"

Qingyue's voice came from the carriage, through the window, and spilled onto the street.Immediately afterwards, a blood-red figure jumped out of the carriage, his movements were as fast as a shooting star, and it was not until he sat down in front of the carriage that everyone could clearly see this person's appearance, it was so strange to the extreme.

He has short fiery red hair and shawls, fair skin like jade, perfect facial features, a pair of blood-red eyes, as bright as a red glow, making people unable to look away after just one glance. He is wearing a bunt shirt of the same color, The strong chest was exposed, and the biceps on the arms were stretched out, causing all the women on the street, no matter young or old, to give out admiration.

And those men were all calm, and besides admiring Aguer's beauty, they couldn't help being surprised, this is a super beast!
There is no doubt that this is a super beast!

The appearance of Aguer made the whole street filled with the coercion of the bloodline monster.Humans still don't feel it very clearly, but the monsters they carry, at this moment, even if they hide in the monster space, the coercion makes them uncomfortable.And the healers could feel the fear from the depths of their souls trembling deeply.

Warcraft surrender!Not to mention, the monsters that walked on the street with humans, their legs are already limp, like a puddle of mud, lying on the ground, motionless, in a kneeling posture.

On this continent, I have only seen carts pulled by holy beasts, but I have never seen a super-sacred beast personally as a cart driver.

Warcraft, how aloof, especially those who can evolve to the level of super beasts. They are powerful, aloof and arrogant, and feel ashamed to work with humans, let alone be a driver.This situation was so shocking that people almost fell out of their eyeballs. The oppressive atmosphere made many people unbearable and tried to relieve the pressure with discussions.

"My God, this is the advantage of the supreme animal trainer? I am even honored to see a super beast, and I use a super beast to drive a car!"

"This super divine beast looks so strong!"

"He obviously didn't release the coercion, but my monster can't stand it anymore!"

Staring at Aguer who was on the driver's seat opposite, Zhu Lin was also stunned.The strong one can roughly see the type of the monster through its transformation form. Zhu Lin is a god rank, of course, he can also perceive the purity of Aguer's blood.

"It turned out to be a [-]% bloodline monster. How is this possible? How could there be a [-]% bloodline monster on this continent?" Zhu Lin was shocked, but shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile, "This is not a simple super mythical beast. Even I can't perceive his strength!"

On the carriage, the pharmacist who was counting on Zhu Lin to find justice for the Valley of Pills was so startled that he fell off his seat. How powerful is the so-called "Super Divine Beast"?
(End of this chapter)

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