The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1173 Don't be too arrogant!

Chapter 1173 Don't be too arrogant!

Seeing that Bei Tinghuang's gaze had been on Moli, and that the two entered the arena together again, for some reason, Zhu Lin felt uneasy.It was very rare that anything could catch his eyes or his heart, but at this moment, Zhu Lin hoped that Bei Tinghuang's gaze would fall on him.

"Master Beitinghuang, winning or losing must be between you and me. If I win, what should you do? If you win..." Zhu Lin smiled slightly, his expression was not lacking in coldness, but his attitude towards Beitinghuang was different. Significantly different, "What do you think I should be?"

Bei Tinghuang smiled faintly, his eyes still fell on Moli's body, he stood with his arms folded, the ponytail behind him was flying in the wind, and the mask on his face was so bright that people couldn't see the expression in his eyes clearly, "What I want , it’s that soul-returning grass, that’s all!”

Zhu Lin was a little disappointed in his heart, his pride made his face look dark, and he said arrogantly, "Unfortunately, I will definitely get the Hunhuicao!"

"This is not a good thing!" Bei Tinghuang chuckled, "I want the soul-returning grass to save my friend, what about you? Don't tell me, who are you trying to save!"

Zhu Lin tilted his head slightly, and looked at Bei Tinghuang seriously. After a long time, his beautiful thin lips parted slightly, and he uttered two unexpected words, "Mother!"

Bei Tinghuang's body froze for a moment, and then he regained his expression. His eyes flickered darkly, "It's useless for you to get the soul grass this time! Not everyone can refine the Nine-turn Soul Pill. Even if you get it, it's a waste. But I'm afraid you won't have this chance!"

the fourth time!
Zhu Lin was so angry that his whole body was trembling, and he was gnashing his teeth with hatred. He never told anyone that he got the soul-returning pill to save his mother.What an honor it was for Bei Tinghuang, he told him personally, but in exchange for such sarcasm from him.

"Don't be too arrogant!"

Fortunately, at this time, the competition on the fourth floor had already started, Bei Tinghuang had no time to care about Zhu Lin at all, and just pretended not to hear his threat.There were three people in total, and these people no longer took out herbs from their pockets, and with a light swipe of their hands on the platform, the herbs stored in the interspatial ring appeared on the platform in unison, and the strange flowers and herbs made people dazzled .

"There is actually cold frost grass, cold frost grass that can refine sixth-grade elixir, white fungus osmanthus... not bad, not bad, as expected of a sky fire pharmacist." There are also a lot of rare herbal medicines on the platform. As the most proud disciple of the president of the pharmacist union, Moli naturally has a lot of good medicines.

"This guy has so many herbs that I want to rob him!" Bei Tinghuang secretly admired.

On the four-tiered stage, there were no alchemy tripods placed on the examination seats of the three of them.The materials that can withstand the sky fire are all rare and precious. No matter how powerful the pharmacists' union is, it does not have such a big deal to equip each sky fire pharmacist with a danding.Therefore, all Tianhuo alchemists need to equip themselves with alchemy tripods.

dong dong dong dong!
Three voices rang out on the stage in unison, and the three Tianhuo alchemists took out their own alchemy tripods at the same time. One of the alchemy tripods was made of high-quality materials, ingeniously designed, and refined. There was a burst of amazement in the arena.

"This Dan Ding, I really want to grab it!"

"The hole is round and the altar tripod is opened, and the square altar gathers crimson clouds." When the three altar tripods appeared, Bei Tinghuang could feel the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth gathering on the altar tripod, although the number was not as good as his own The two tripods in his house are not as good as the four tungsten gold beast tripods, but it has to be admitted that the status and background of these three people are extraordinary to be able to own a good tripod of this level.

(End of this chapter)

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