The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1175 3-Yuan Tinder Spirit?

Chapter 1175 Ternary Spark Spirit?

"What a beautiful flower!" Someone in the stands couldn't help but let out a voice again.

But more people stared at the flower in Moli's hand that seemed to be jumping, dancing, and swaying, and found that as it swayed, the surrounding air seemed to be evaporated into layers of mist.This is not a real flower, but the real state condensed by the fire elemental spirit.

With the appearance of this spark, soon, the cluster of high flames between the fingers of the young man of the Song family suddenly dimmed and languished, while the originally dim flame in the hands of another Skyfire Alchemist lost its light again.

"Three-Yuan Fire Spirit? This turned out to be the Three-Yuan Fire Spirit! The three-Yuan Fire Spirit that was completely absorbed?" If Zhu Lin was only surprised when he saw the Five Elements Earth Flame, then at this time, he was completely in a state of confusion. In a state of horror, there was even a glint of greed in his eyes.

The three-element fire spirit is the most precious treasure in the world. Once this kind of spiritually enlightened thing is completely absorbed by the owner, the benefits it gets are even greater than contracting a fire-type beast.While the fire spirit will become a part of the human body, it is not only more convenient to control than the natal flame of the natal monster.Moreover, the spirit in the fire is the crystallization of the energy of the heaven and the earth, and has an extraordinary affinity for the energy of the heaven and the earth, and can absorb the energy between the heaven and the earth for the master from time to time. It can be said that cultivation is basically a very awesome cheat.

Any person who enters the body with the ternary fire spirit will inevitably get the reforging of the body's bone meridians by the fire spirit at the same time as entering the body. After washing the marrow and cutting the hair, the width and toughness of the meridians will far exceed those of other people.

It is very remarkable to get a binary fire spirit, and it is a miracle once in ten thousand years to get a ternary fire spirit.This kind of treasure of heaven and earth, the entire Lubisi Continent does not know how many there are, but this young man got it, and it can be refined by him, it is simply unbelievable.

Bei Tinghuang also felt very sudden. He just snatched a binary water spirit from the branch president of the mercenary union in Astava City. What comes to mind is that the person who owns this rare treasure is still Moli.This guy, really, if he doesn't make a move, he will be scared to death if he makes a move.

The young people of the Song family did not expect that members of the Alchemist Union would have such a hand.Originally, her Flame Five Elements Geocentric Flame ranked quite high on the Skyfire Ranking. No. 23 Flame on the Skyfire Ranking had never been heard of in Central Continent, and someone had a higher ranking than her Flame.Who knew that just as she made a move, a person who could completely suppress her flames appeared, and he was also a member of the alchemist union.

This is simply not giving her a way out.There are also two Shenhuo pharmacists above, and on the stage of Tianhuo, there is another Moli whose flame strength is no less than hers. In this match, it seems that she is doomed.

Moli raised his head and looked towards Beitinghuang. He raised the flame flower in his hand high, as if toasting someone, and raised it towards Beitinghuang. The joy and pride in his eyes could not be concealed. .

It was Bei Tinghuang who cured his leg, if not, in his whole life, even if he had refined the three-element fire spirit, he might not have the chance to stand on the stage.

How precise is the control of flames when refining medicine? For a person whose body's meridians have been crippled by a quarter, it is wishful thinking to control flames to make alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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