Chapter 1177

Everyone was nervously staring at the cauldron in front of Moli, waiting for him to rise up, and Moli was also very nervous, even his breathing became short of breath, he let out a heavy breath, a force of origin wrapped the cauldron, and the cauldron rose. , Danfei, a bright pearly white elixir, suspended above the danding, with a faint light lingering, the fragrance is overflowing, and everyone who smells the fragrance is shocked.

"Fifth grade! I have refined a fifth grade elixir!" Mo Li flew up, raised his hand to grab it, and opened his hand to look at the round elixir shining like a pearl in his palm, smelling it. With a faint scent of medicine, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Bei Tinghuang.

"Fifth grade elixir?"

At this time, almost everyone in the audience stood up abruptly, and no one could believe that what they were lucky enough to witness was the refining process of a fifth-grade elixir.Yesterday, Master Bei Tinghuang's fifth-grade elixir was enough to cause a sensation in Danska City, but today, they witnessed the release of a fifth-grade elixir with their own eyes.

"Master Moli is really a natural alchemist!"

"Yeah, I haven't refined any elixir for so many years, and it's a fifth-grade pill!"

"I heard that before his legs were crippled, he had already refined a fourth-grade elixir, but the alchemist union did not announce it to the public for his safety!"

Looking at Moli's white jade-like palm, that round and jade-like elixir had a faintly invisible pale golden light flashing across it.The elixir of the pinnacle of the fifth rank is only a short distance from the god rank, and no one inside or outside the arena can calm down.Among them, Cao Shen was the most excited, he yelled, and slammed a palm on the shoulder of the city lord next to him, "My student actually refined a fifth-grade elixir, fifth-grade, hahahaha! "

It has to be said that Cao Shen's palm was very insignificant, even if the city lord, who is a star spirit master, received this palm, it was very unpleasant, but at this time, who would care about Cao Shen?The teacher of a person who can refine fifth-grade pills, in the future, on this continent, I don’t know how many people will beg him to slap himself, and owe him a favor so that he can hold a five-grade pill. Pin elixir to compensate.

Holding the fifth-grade elixir in his palm, Mo Li jumped up and walked up to Bei Tinghuang, stretching out his palm towards Bei Tinghuang, his face was filled with uncontrollable excitement, "Xiao Jiu, This is just a fifth-grade Yang Yuan pill, which can increase a person's vitality by 10% within 20.00 minutes, this pill may not be useful to you, but I want to give it to you!"

"Who says it can't be used?" Beitinghuang snatched the elixir from Moli's hand like a baby, fearing that he would repent and receive it into his space ring, "strength increased by 20.00%! It's not a small amount, When the strength is evenly matched, one point higher than the opponent's strength is equal to one more life!"

Seeing this, Mo Li's slightly pale face showed a sincere smile. This was the first fifth-grade elixir he had refined, and he also hoped to stand by Bei Tinghuang's side and escort him. The only thing he can do is, as Bei Tinghuang said, hope that he can have one more life in the battle, more lives than the nine-tailed cat.

Fifth Grade Yang Yuan Pill!How many people showed envy and greed in their eyes, and they were so excited that they couldn't calm down for a long time.But at this time, all the major forces on the stage knew that what they wanted to compete for was not this fifth-rank Yang Yuan Pill, but Mo Li!
With Mo Li, are you afraid that you won't be able to refine a fifth-grade elixir?

 Today's update, everyone is happy to read the article!
(End of this chapter)

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