Chapter 1184

Bei Tinghuang glanced at him indifferently, and nodded to agree with him, "Yes, the person who taught me to refine medicine said that the skill of refining medicine is extensive and profound, and flames, alchemy cauldrons, and medicinal materials are all very important. Important, these are the basics, and the strength and skills of the pharmacist are also the key. I must not have been refining medicine for as long as you..."

When Bei Tinghuang said this, she smiled meaningfully.He thought he was a little dazzled, but after hearing his words, he found that Zhu Lin's face turned red unnaturally.

Zhu Lin's eyes dodged, he didn't dare to look at Bei Tinghuang, he knew very well what Bei Tinghuang meant when he said this.For this competition, the Central Continent Alchemist Union required alchemists under the age of 30, and it was obvious that Zhu Lin had not only lived for 30 years, but even he had been refining medicine for more than 300 years.And he is just a descended body, the test crystal can't test his age at all.

In terms of age, no, in other words, he has an advantage in the most important part, experience.

Bei Tinghuang is not even 15 years old.

However, if Bei Tinghuang wants to expose him, it seems that he can't do it, he can only talk about it.Thinking of this, Zhu Lin became very calm. He smiled and said, "If there is evidence to prove it, I have nothing to say. Obviously, the alchemist union cannot test my age. Stand here even if you have the cheek to do so.”

For someone as arrogant as him to say such rascally words, for some reason, Bei Tinghuang admired him.For his mother, he went to the Central Continent to win a soul-returning grass to save his mother. In the future, Bei Tinghuang himself will go to other planes, also to find his parents, and maybe he will abandon his dignity for some reason , but will never fall.

After all, they are actually the same kind of people.

Bei Tinghuang stared at him for a while with dark eyes, and said, "Zhu Lin, didn't you ask me before, what would you do if I won?"

"Huh?" Zhu Lin didn't expect Bei Tinghuang to bring up this matter suddenly. He raised his eyebrows with a half-smile, "Bei Tinghuang, you are so sure that I will lose? Even if you are taller than me I don’t know how many levels of flames there are, but what if you don’t have good medicinal materials?”

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and spread out. On the platform, there were a lot of medicinal herbs. The variety was dazzling. A burst of strong medicinal fragrance emanated from the platform. Even if you don’t know these medicinal herbs, you can feel the rich aura It can also be known that these medicinal materials are of high grade and the varieties are precious and rare.

Everyone's eyes lit up suddenly, and the mouths of many people were already drooling.

Many of these medicinal materials have never been seen in Central Continent, and the energy contained in them is so powerful that it is simply jaw-dropping.Most of the medicinal materials, some of the older and experienced pharmacists present, have never even seen them. Compared with these medicinal materials, even the medicinal materials that Moli just showed are insignificant. .

"Crystal fruit, spirit banana, and dragon blood..." Bei Tinghuang pinched her bare chin and stared at the treasures on Moli's table. Fortunately, she had carefully studied the note that Yanye gave her. On the mainland, the fairy grass spirit fruit that no one has even seen has been recorded in detail in that notebook, otherwise she might not be able to recognize it if she sees it now.

(End of this chapter)

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