The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1194 Lord Baodan, Yuanli Transformation

Chapter 1194 Lord Baodan, Yuanli Transformation

The small cauldron has been taken back by Bei Tinghuang and placed on the examination seat, and with a slight twist between Bei Tinghuang's fingers, a cluster of flames has risen, with five fingers stretched out, the flames are controlled by thoughts, sticking to the In the palm of his hand, as he lightly pressed his hand to the burner of the cauldron, the flame fell into the cauldron and burned at the bottom of the cauldron.

At this time, Bei Tinghuang's expression has become very dignified, he is truly in a state of harmony between man and nature, nothing in the outside world can disturb him, the spiritual power has locked on the altar cauldron, and the fierce nine-color Nirvana fire Under the control of Beitinghuang's soul power, she is as docile as a little girl.

Sensing that the cauldron has been warmed, Bei Tinghuang first threw the leaves of the beginningless vine into the cauldron, manipulated the nine-color nirvana fire to gently bake it, and refined the spiritual liquid in it.If it is an ordinary Dan Ding, the most precious herbal medicine like the leaves of the beginningless vine, there will definitely be a spiritual fragrance overflowing, but there is no need to worry about the tungsten gold four-beast tripod, which is the world's number one treasure tripod.

It was almost baked, all the spiritual liquid had leaked out, and a tongue of fire burst out from under the cauldron, swallowing up all the residue.At this moment, the tungsten-gold four-beast cauldron let out a brisk sound, reminding Bei Tinghuang to proceed to the next process.

This is the intelligent cauldron. Hearing the soft beep, almost all alchemists in the entire arena showed greedy eyes.The tungsten-gold four-beast cauldron actually recognized Her Excellency Bei Tinghuang as its master, which is simply heart-breaking.It's like, a [-]-year-old stunning beauty, everyone in the world wants it, but this beauty has someone to belong to, how can other people not be sad.

But everyone knows that once the treasure falls into the hands of His Excellency Bei Tinghuang, there is no need to even think about it.Although the baby is good, you have to live to enjoy it.This tungsten-gold four-beast tripod has never recognized its owner for ten thousand years. It turned out that those alchemists who got him before were disgusted. They are amazing people!
Afterwards, Bei Tinghuang threw the soul-returning grass and the Phoenix tail flower into the cauldron at the same time, and the nine-color Nirvana fire gently wrapped the two medicinal herbs, slowly roasted them, and then completely absorbed the essence and liquid in them. are extracted.

Another flame licked into the cauldron, devouring all the last dregs.At this time, there were only three dewdrops of spiritual liquid rolling in the danding.

Bei Tinghuang carefully controlled the flames, and slowly released two auras from the source of chaos. As these two auras entered the altar cauldron, three dewdrops were controlled by Bei Tinghuang's soul power. Divided into two, each adsorbed on the breath of the chaotic god source, at this moment, the two elemental forces wrapped in the power of thunder and lightning, with the assistance of the flame, began to refine the spiritual liquid carefully.

This process is a test of strength.If Bei Tinghuang was a god rank, it might be easier, but at this time, although he is half a god rank, there is no golden core in his dantian.With the strength of the sky, it is extremely difficult to refine this elixir of the lord.

Yuanli was output without money, and the dantian began to become empty, and a sense of powerlessness came.What Bei Tinghuang didn't expect was that at this time, the bright pearl that had been occupying the magpie's nest in his dantian was releasing energy very generously at this time, but this energy was not exported to Bei Tinghuang. It is used for refining medicine, but it starts to spin rapidly at the place where the Beiting Huang Yuanli is waiting, and a cocoon-like thing is formed.

(End of this chapter)

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