The genius ninth miss

Chapter 405 Is 1 Heaven Rank Great?

Chapter 405 Is One Heaven Rank Great?
"Hmph, it's just a little-known mercenary group that has just registered, and dare to speak nonsense here!"

The team was split in the middle and separated into a road. A mighty team of hundreds of people surrounded the iron-blooded mercenary group aggressively. The leader was a middle-aged man with a beard and a bunt. On the exposed right arm of the samurai uniform, there is a huge snowflake tattoo, which is the same as the logo on the clothes of the dead members of the Blizzard Mercenary Corps, showing the identity of the comer: the Blizzard Mercenary Corps.

Behind the bearded people, two men were carrying a stretcher. On the stretcher, the dying man was shocked when he saw the iron-blooded people. It was not Ankaier who was kicked away by Bei Tinghuang. who?
It came quickly!
"It's them, it's this group of bastards, they are the Jagged Mercenary Group, each of them has a holy beast!" Ankel struggled on the stretcher.

"Very good!" The bearded man looked at the iron-blooded crowd with a pair of greedy eyes, "Summon out the holy beast in your hands, cancel the contract, and give it to us. It’s about the ten regiment members. Otherwise, sir, I will let you all die here today.”

"No reason!"

Mei Xiu stared angrily, the young man's body blocked Iron Blood behind him, "Why?"

"Why?" The bearded man sneered, "Just because my Blizzard mercenary group belongs to the Yewang Palace, just because I am Ambrose is a heavenly rank, and it just so happens that I also have a beast in my hand!"

On the square, all the people who had watched the excitement and hadn't had time to leave were all stunned. Ambers, the head of the Blizzard mercenary group, is already a heavenly rank?Obviously not a three-star great spiritualist?How did you become a heavenly rank so quickly?And a beast?Oh, yes, the Night King's Mansion, everyone didn't miss it. Ambrose and his son have already said that the Blizzard Mercenary Group belongs to the Night King's Mansion. Who is His Highness the Night King?On the mainland, the only pharmacist of divine fire elixir.

Not afraid of weak strength, but afraid of not being able to hold the thighs well!
What kind of shit luck did Blizzard have?Look at the smug faces of everyone in Blizzard, the word "Yewangfu" is like a chicken blood, making this group of people laugh so hard that they can't close their mouths, and the eyes of the suspension bridge are squinting at the iron blood, as if the iron blood is real Only let them abuse at will.

"Hmph, if you want our holy beast, it depends on whether you have the ability. Brothers, what should we do now?" Meixiu did not do what Ambrose wished, and his legs trembled due to his "strength". Instead, he raised his right hand, full of blood, and the voice resounded in the world, making the blood of everyone who heard it boil with enthusiasm.


One word, enraged!
What are you afraid of?Is it amazing to be at one level?Just a joke, which one of their leaders doesn't have the strength of heaven?What happened to the Night Palace?Tie Xue can't compare to the Night King's Mansion now. Could it be that in the future, their regiment leader can't torture His Highness the Night King to the ground?
Hmph, with the leader here, it's not scary when the gods come!
The voices of summoning holy beasts came one after another, the rules of heaven and earth lit up under Iron Blood's feet, one after another silver rays of light flashed, and huge holy beasts appeared on the square one after another, filling up the huge square again, and everyone could see People are hot-eyed, good guy, it's really enviable!
(End of this chapter)

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