The genius ninth miss

Chapter 410 Class A?Does it match?

Chapter 410 Class A?Does it match?

Bei Tinghuang secretly laughed, this old Mogger is really cunning, but this reason is good, she likes it!
"Since the iron-blooded mercenary group has not been registered before, you have nothing to do with the president, so now, the president had better not bother with this matter!" Ambose gritted his teeth and said viciously.

Seeing these two people come out together, they look affectionate, hmph, maybe Iron Blood promised some benefits to the mercenary union, do you think he is afraid of Blizzard?You know, asking Blizzard to help Yewangfu complete the task, but Mr. Qiongqi came to the door in person.

Mogg was so angry that his beard was raised, "Lord Ambers, even if Blizzard is an S-rank mercenary regiment, if Blizzard still wants to accept tasks from the mercenary union in the future, it is best not to act recklessly."

"Act recklessly?" Ambrose pointed to his son with broken arms and legs behind him. If there is no fifth-grade Rejuvenation Pill, his son will be a waste for the rest of his life. A healing pill, where is the time to waste time here with a small mercenary regiment? "Your Excellency Mogg, do you want to make trouble with me for a C-level mercenary group?"

Although the mercenary group must rely on the mercenary union, because all tasks are issued through the mercenary union, almost no one or force on the mainland will contact a mercenary group in private for business.However, if he wants to drive him out of Blizzard, is Mogg able to do it?

"Your Excellency Ambers, you are wrong. Iron Blood is now an A-level mercenary regiment, not a C-level!" Qin Yu stood aside, with a warm smile on his face, but the killing intent in his eyes was awe-inspiring. , Snow Wolf will never stand idly by.

"What? A-level? Hahaha, how is this possible? It must be Mog who is doing something wrong. How can you become an A-level mercenary regiment as soon as you register? Mog, I didn't expect you to dare to disregard the rules of the mercenary union and blatantly protect A newly recruited mercenary regiment." Ambrose yelled madly.

He yelled so loudly that a group of mercenaries who were stunned by the shock woke up, and no one could believe it was true.

"Oh my god, did I make a mistake, Iron Blood turned out to be an A-level mercenary regiment!"

"Yeah, how long has it been? Even if the task is completed, it won't be so fast, unless..."

"Impossible. From what I've seen, every task on the A-level task announcement column is very difficult, and none of them require heavenly materials, earthly treasures or holy beasts."

"Are you stupid? Look at Iron Blood, as long as it is a spiritual master, which one does not have a holy beast? What is the difference between a holy beast and a Chinese cabbage to Iron Blood?"

"Mommy, why am I not an iron-blooded person? God, let me join the iron-blooded person, even if it means emptying the toilet for Master Huang Jiu, I am willing!"

"Only you, what qualifications do you have to empty the toilet for Master Huang Jiu? Master Huang Jiu does not lack people with mediocre qualifications like you."

Hearing the god-like evaluation of Bei Tinghuang from everyone in the square, Ambrose's face turned dark. What a joke, no one doubted that Iron Blood was qualified to be an A-level mercenary group.Why?
"A-level?" Chu Feng stood up and sneered, "It's just a few spirit fruits and a holy beast. What is this to Iron Blood? Brothers, tell Blizzard, have you ever eaten ink spirit fruit?"

"Eat it!" The iron-blooded brother laughed loudly and raised his voice, his radiant face was full of pride, "What is Mo Lingguo? The brothers who are going to be promoted in the group, who hasn't eaten it? Hahaha, Only you mercenary regiments who stay in the city every day will take Mo Lingguo seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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