The genius ninth miss

Chapter 418 This Divine Beast Is Too Big!

Chapter 418 This Divine Beast Is Too Big!

"Come out, my friend!"

Bei Tinghuang's clear calling sound resounded between heaven and earth. She raised her right hand, and a blood-colored ruby-like bracelet suddenly appeared on her wrist. Under the sun, the blood-colored light burned everyone's eyes. The blue energy shrouded the bracelet, and the bracelet fell off Bei Tinghuang's wrist in a whizzing manner. The silver star pattern enveloped the bracelet and Bei Tinghuang herself together, and the silver light was shining brightly. It is also growing.

"What is this? Plant vine monster?"

"I, I can't see clearly either!"

Not only the people in the square couldn't see clearly, but Ambos who was standing opposite Beitinghuang couldn't see clearly either.This red bracelet really looks like a vine.After hearing that there was a plant monster in Beitinghuang, Ambose, who had never seen the small vine himself, directly took the vine as the plant monster, and couldn't help laughing.

"A mere plant monster wants to compete with my divine beast. Your Excellency Huang Jiu, why don't you just admit defeat and I only want half of the monsters in your space ring?" Huang is a high sword star spiritual master.

"A mere area? A plant monster?" Chu Feng sneered, staring at Ambrose with cold eyes. This idiot will not know how he died at that time, and he is still talking nonsense here!
Divine beast?Qin Yu also shook his head, he didn't think it was just a divine beast, Xiao Jiu's tricks, others didn't know, but he knew.Besides, when did such a huge beast appear in the Central Continent?
Even the whole iron blood boiled up. They didn't expect that the leader actually had such a powerful monster. What kind of beast was it?
The city lord of Valor suddenly stood up again, staring at the red figure in the silver light for a moment, and slowly stretched the entire energy shield, and then stopped. This is clearly a python, which has never been seen before. Such a huge python body.

Blood prison three-headed python?It is impossible to describe his size.Wallow was stunned, this boy, no wonder, no wonder, there is such a fetish.The Ye Wang Mansion also gave thousands of warnings, don't let this young man make any mistakes, he is still very nervous, why should he worry?
Guess this guy, if anyone offends her, he even has the strength to tear down the alliance city!
His whole body was wrapped in a layer of blood-colored mist, his blood-red scales gleamed strangely, his abdomen had four legs, shaped like a dragon, his sharp claws were slightly curved like iron hooks, and three A huge head raised high, with six indescribably big eyes, looking down at Ambrose on the ring, his voice was like an ancient bell, beating everyone's hearts, causing a tremor, "Master, it's just two little reptiles. , why does the master do it himself?"

"Divine beast? It turned out to be another divine beast?"

"My God, this, this, this beast is too big!" Everyone who had seen Ambrose's Komodo clouded leopard couldn't believe that what they saw was just a beast.

"It's scary, do you still need to fight?"

The higher the rank of the monster, the bigger its body must be, and the strength of the monster's body is the strongest.For tens of thousands of years, Agur has infinitely missed his cursed and lost body.After the contract with Bei Tinghuang, the curse was broken, and he, who had recovered his body, made his debut in front of the world for the first time. How could he miss this opportunity to reveal his body?

(End of this chapter)

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