The genius ninth miss

Chapter 422 Elixir?I have more than enough!

Chapter 422 Elixir?I have more than enough!
After Ambose's flesh and blood flew, the energy shield dissipated, revealing a person and a beast in the energy shield. Before everyone could see the true face of this monster, the huge monster turned into a streamer and turned into a mimic. A small, blood-red bracelet with a touch of simplicity wrapped around Bei Tinghuang's wrist.

A young man dressed in black exquisite warrior costume stood in the middle of the arena, obviously the arena sank to a height of about three meters from the ground, obviously everyone was actually looking down at the young man, but her slightly thin image was so Tall, like a god of war reborn from ancient times, it is impressive.

"Captain Ambers is dead!"

In the silent crowd, someone who didn't know who yelled, and the whole square began to stir, and various indistinct voices came, but no one dared to make a loud noise, deep fear flowed in the crowd, everyone There was deep fear in the eyes looking at Bei Tinghuang.

The Seven Swords Star Spiritualist possesses a head that is so powerful that it can instantly kill a combination of Heavenly Spiritualists and Divine Beasts. Such a person is really rare in this continent.

"Yes, Captain Ambers is dead. I am deeply sorry. The duel between Blizzard and Sangvis continues. Even if Captain Ambers is gone, once Blizzard wins the next two battles, this captain will still keep his promise. Give Blizzard the hundreds of monsters in the leader's space ring!"

Bei Tinghuang raised her right hand. On her finger, a black space ring like an ancient vine was shining. This is a high-grade spiritual weapon refined by Yan Ye. There are indeed hundreds of monsters in the space, but who dares to take it?
The area where Blizzard was located was silent. Everyone looked at that area. Ankaier, who was on the stretcher, struggled to get up, and waved his sleeves at an old man next to him, "Bastard, you are the deputy head!" , now that my father is gone, are you going to quit the job?"

The old man was indeed Blizzard's deputy head. Hearing Ankel's words, he obviously looked a lot older. He sighed and walked slowly towards the ring.

Seeing this, Bei Tinghuang was satisfied, she tiptoed lightly on the ground, flew towards the stands, landed beside Chu Feng, and put her palm on Chu Feng's shoulder, "Cousin, it's your turn!"

It was warm, and there was warmth coming over. Suddenly, Chu Feng was full of energy, and the snow-white cloak slipped off his body, revealing his silver armor.Bei Tinghuang's hand slid down, and a bottle of Fuyuan Pill fell into Chu Feng's palm. Chu Feng was stunned for a moment while holding the Fuyuan Pill.

How precious are pills in Central Continent!Having a elixir in hand is equivalent to having an extra life.He was about to save it for Bei Tinghuang, but he heard Bei Tinghuang say, "Cousin, you must win, you can't lose, I have a lot of pills, and I will have more in the future!"

How many pills are there?
The city lord of Valo, who was getting up to congratulate Beitinghuang on his victory, felt his legs go limp, but luckily his eyesight and hands quickly supported the table, so he didn't fall down.There are so many monsters and medicines, what else does she not have?Artifact?If she still has a divine she still have to let people live?

After all, Walo is old and dizzy. He didn't see the soft sword in Bei Tinghuang's hand, which can change into five functions. He wonders if Walo will really fall to the ground and pass out.

To Bei Tinghuang, what is an artifact?People ask for divine artifacts to be as old as ever, and her divine artifacts are all delivered to her door. Yes, it is not someone else, but His Royal Highness the Night King who is famous in the mainland!
(End of this chapter)

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