The genius ninth miss

Chapter 443 You stole the position of the fifth prince

Chapter 443 You are the ones who stole the position of the fifth prince
Mu Qingling had no choice but to go forward, bent down and wrote down her name and age on the register.Naturally, the test life crystal automatically displayed her age, "17 years old!"

"Ling'er, I didn't expect you to be 17 years old!" Bei Tinghuang stood with her arms folded, jokingly said, she was so delicate, Bei Tinghuang always thought she was as old as her, only fifteen or sixteen years old.

It was rare for Mu Qingling to show a bit of coquettishness, and she glanced at Bei Tinghuang with a pair of charming eyes, without any majesty, which made Bei Tinghuang joke, "Linger, if you want to wink, let's go back and do it again." !"

Mu Qingling stomped her feet angrily, and Bei Tinghuang was afraid that it would affect her registration, so she stopped teasing her.

"Okay, it really is you, Mu Qingling, Bei Tinghuang, it really is you who took the position of the fifth prince." Mu Wanyue came forward, with her hips crossed, and she said that she saw how these two people looked so familiar ?It turned out that it was really these two people, yes, they were riding in the flying carriage of the Yewang Mansion, it is normal to be faster than them.

If she hadn't met Nangong Qianxi and Nangong Qianmo halfway, she wouldn't have been so fast.

Bei Tinghuang turned around lightly, and kept Mu Qingling behind her. She pulled down the cloak, revealing a face wearing a silver mask. The brilliance in her star-like eyes.

This is an ordinary mask, covering the part above her nose, only revealing the cold red lips and delicate chin, as if painted with the best brush in the world, the splendor of Jiangshan is not as beautiful as this touch.

The moment the cloak was pulled down, countless pairs of eyes cast here were shocked by the young man's exquisite half face, and their minds stopped thinking. They all said that the face of the Night King is unparalleled, isn't it true? Like this boy, stunning and peerless?

"Tuan, group leader?" Nangong Qianxi murmured to herself, she couldn't believe it, the young man in front of her overlapped with the shadow she was dreaming of, it was so clear, her heart couldn't hold back her excitement, Jumping wildly, her delicate face was also stained with a touch of red, like the mandala flowers that bloomed in the imperial capital in early spring.

"Nine... Nine, Huang Jiu?" Nangong Qianmo took a step back unconsciously. From the moment Huang Jiu's name sounded in the imperial capital through the image in the memory crystal, she believed that Huang Jiu was Bei Ting Huang, and Bei Ting Huang was Bei Ting Huang. Huang Jiu.

It turned out to be her, it really was her!
Only that young man in this world has the ability to create an army of heroic soldiers to frighten the continent.

"Huang Jiu? Where is Master Huang Jiu, ahh, I can actually see Master Huang Jiu?"

The word "Huang Jiu", like a huge boulder, smashed into the calm and waveless lake. Immediately, circles of waves surged in all directions, setting off waves of frenzy. Hot, surpassing the sun in the sky in this June sky.

"How is this possible?" Mu Wanyue never believed that Beitinghuang was Huangjiu. This guy must be imitating Huangjiu. Now there are many people imitating Huangjiu and Beiye. Who knows if this guy is? pretending?She can't let these two succeed, and she can't let Mu Qingling enter the Imperial Academy, otherwise, she won't get the greatest support from her father, "Mu Qingling, you are a waste, you are not even a spiritual master, what qualifications do you have?" Come to Imperial College to sign up, do you want to disgrace the Mu family?"

Just as Mu Qingling's hand was about to move towards the hand on the energy crystal ball, she shrank back suddenly.The gaze that was originally cast on Bei Tinghuang, at this time, following Bei Tinghuang's gaze, all fell on Mu Qingling's body, and her face was as red as a boiled lobster.

(End of this chapter)

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