The genius ninth miss

Chapter 465 You are not qualified to know my name!

Chapter 465 You are not qualified to know my name!

In this continent, the strong are respected, and strength speaks for itself.The royal family and nobles only have status in front of ordinary people.Even the emperor of the Raya Empire, in front of the patriarchs of the four great spiritual master families, barely had an equal status with them.

How many spiritual masters are there in the four major spiritual master families?How strong is the comprehensive strength, how can the son of a mere city gatekeeper be able to say it?
"You have no right to know my name!"

Bei Tinghuang's eyes swept over Khadgar's neck coldly, and suddenly, this guy felt a sudden chill on his neck, and a chill flashed, as if a blade had passed through his neck.hand, caressing his upper neck involuntarily, feeling a chill in his heart, he didn't understand how this young man, who looked younger than him, could have such a powerful deterrent in his gaze.

Swallowing hard, Xuanyuan Po said, "Khadgar, what she said is right, it's not certain who will die today, see you in the duel!"

The life-and-death struggle, like a gust of wind, blew across the entire campus in an instant.Group fights and private fights can be seen everywhere in Imperial College, but they are not common when it comes to life-and-death fights. What's more, the two people in life-and-death fights have such a huge difference in strength. The prince of the teacher's strength.

When Bei Tinghuang and others rushed to the duel arena, the huge duel arena that can accommodate 5 people was already full of seats.After finally finding a place to stand, Bei Tinghuang looked around at this simple but yet majestic duel arena, a round glass roof propped up by ten luxurious and majestic columns, seats that gradually rise from low to high, The bottom floor is a circular arena. The entire platform is made of unknown material, with a thin lin pattern. I don't know how many times it has been bombarded by experts and strong men, but there is no trace of crack or trace.

Because it was a life-and-death fight, the academy didn't even come to the instructor, but Bei Tinghuang could feel that there were no less than five powerful auras in this duel field alone, and she didn't know which corner was staring at this duel field.

It is worthy of being ranked first in the mainland famous school!

Imperial College has never been ranked among the forces on the mainland because it is neutral and does not strive for strength. However, its influence and appeal are definitely no less than the Temple of Trial and the Temple of Darkness, which strive for the power of faith on the mainland.

"Captain, shall I go first?" Xuanyuan Po took a deep look at Bei Tinghuang, Khadgar had already stood on the ring with great interest, and was staring at him with the eyes of the weak, as if he was in stage fright.

"Brother Xuanyuan, you'll be fine, trust me!" Bei Tinghuang and the others came late and couldn't find a seat, so they had to squeeze into the corridor in the middle of the first few rows. Khadgar, who was stained with blood and looked a bit embarrassed, "Even if his monster is stronger than you, don't be afraid, your star level is higher than his!"

Bei Tinghuang stuffed two Rejuvenation Pills into his hands, "Even if you use spiritual power to crush him, you will crush him to death!"

Rejuvenation Pill?

Seeing the Spirit Rejuvenation Pill again, Xuanyuanpo's emotions were uncontrollably agitated. He tightly held the pill in his hand, and a wave of belief that he had never had before left a deep imprint in his body.He knew that today's battle must be won.And from then on, the old Xuanyuanpo no longer existed, and a new Xuanyuanpo appeared on this continent.

(End of this chapter)

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