The genius ninth miss

Chapter 467 Don't blame me for being ruthless

Chapter 467 Don't blame me for being ruthless
The sound of discussions on the field entered his ears, and Khadgar's face was swollen red, and excitement mixed with his blood, flooding his whole body.Yes, he is already a strong man in the Earth Academy. He has a holy beast. With such strength, even if he is only one star, there are few opponents in the entire Earth Academy.

Xuanyuan Po, a good-for-nothing, dares to fight him to the death?

"Are you sure you want to fight me to the death?" Khadgar slowly took out an epee on his back, casually drew an arc in the air, a cold light flashed, pointed the tip of the sword at Xuanyuanpo, as if In the next moment, Xuanyuanpo could be seen hugging his leg begging for mercy covered in blood.

Hahaha, this feeling is so good!

Obscenity, revealed through the eyes, Xuanyuanpo snorted heavily, "That's right, Khadgar, let's start with you!"

Inexplicably, Xuanyuanpo stepped forward, and the long sword in his hand met Khadgar's epee, a ray of heaven and earth descended, and a ray of silver light enveloped the two of them.According to the custom passed down from ancient times, as long as the weapons of two people complete this intersecting ceremony, the rules of life-and-death combat will come down. Then, the two people in the duel field will never die until one of them falls down and ends his life.

The silver light rose above the ring like a transparent glass cover, enveloping the two on the field.Immediately, there was a sound of sighing in the stands, and the feeling of actually seeing someone disappearing in front of one's face can still stimulate people's senses.

"Xuanyuan Po, this is a life-and-death struggle. Don't blame me for being merciless when the time comes. Your Highness, the Sixth Prince, do you want Cao Min to kneel down first and say hello to you?" Khadgar laughed loudly after finishing speaking. The meaning of ridicule caused the audience to burst into laughter.

Xuanyuan Po couldn't help but look towards the stands. He saw those dark and stern eyes again, which seemed to contain infinite power. This power, through the meeting of eyes, rushed to his whole body!

The strong, this is the breath of the strong!

At this moment, Xuanyuanpo's whole body's aura changed drastically. He was full of fighting spirit, and his figure was straight, like a javelin that could not fall down. He stood upright on the field, and a standard warrior was displayed in everyone's sight .


The atmosphere was a bit dull and breathless, and no one knew who exactly Xuanyuanpo saw and who caused him to undergo such a huge change, but there is no doubt that this person must be very important to Xuanyuanpo of.

"Black Spot, show up!"

With more than 5 worshiping eyes, Khadgar couldn't wait to summon his own monster.A silver star array lit up from under his feet, and in the luxurious four-pointed star array, a holy cross sword with exquisitely drawn rules of heaven and earth blinded everyone.

"Oh my god, a one-star great spiritualist, that's amazing!"

The exclamation of the crowd has not yet fallen. In the silver light, there is an extra green snake. The imitation of the holy beast is just a small snake with blue and black stripes and a thick little finger. The anthropomorphic eyes swept across the audience arrogantly, and finally landed on The contemptuous look on Xuanyuan Po's face is quite similar to what Khadgar imagined. Sure enough, there are all kinds of monsters for every kind of master.

Under the infusion of Khadgar's white spiritual power, the body of the little snake slowly grew. The huge body of the holy beast sprinted fiercely at everyone's vision. It was about ten meters long and about as thick as a bucket. Its body was blue. There are black spots on the scales, but the name matches the real thing very well.

(End of this chapter)

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