The genius ninth miss

Chapter 473 The feeling of being washed by blood is so wonderful

Chapter 473 The feeling of being washed by blood is so wonderful

Bounced back from the energy shield fiercely, and hit the ground heavily again.

No part of Khadgar's body was intact. The shoulder that was chopped off by Xuanyuanpo's long sword, the shock left by his head hitting the indestructible armor on Xuanyuanpo's body, after the five bodies had intimate contact with the hard ground on the ring, , the bones seemed to be all broken.

Tilting his head slightly, he stared at Xuanyuan Po with a sinister gaze. He had never dealt with divine beasts before. Khadgar never thought that the armor of divine beasts would be so powerful that it could resist all damage below the divine rank.With a divine beast armor on his body, it is almost invincible, and no one below the god rank can hurt him.

"It's just because you have a powerful beast, otherwise, you wouldn't have won me!"

He is still so shameless, saying that people are shameless and invincible. Khadgar almost used his whole life to explain the highest meaning of this sentence.

"Yes, as a healer, owning a powerful monster is also a criterion for testing the strength of a healer. Who told you to only have one holy beast? In the past, when I only had one spirit beast, didn't you use it? Is your holy beast showing off its power in front of me?" Xuanyuan Po walked over slowly, pointing the long sword in her hand at the tip of Khadgar's nose.

"Hmph, kill or slice, as soon as possible!" Khadgar said, slowly touching the hilt of the epee behind him with his hand.

Xuanyuan Po couldn't bear to look at him for the last time, closed her eyes, and ran through various scenes of being bullied by this guy from childhood to adulthood in her mind, holding both hands on the hilt of the sword, and slammed down heavily.

A black shadow shrouded the top of the head, at this moment, the holy beast that had been lying on the ground next to it, pretending to be dead, smashed its huge snake tail towards Xuanyuanpo's head fiercely, and on the ground, Kaka who could only suffer death Dejia suddenly jumped up, and the epee in his hand struck Xuanyuan Po's head fiercely.

A tense and particularly dull atmosphere enveloped the entire duel field. No one wanted to see that a high-star spiritual master with a powerful divine beast was finally defeated by a one-star spiritual master with a holy beast.

If this is the case, it will overturn everyone's perception of the level of representative strength.

"Don't panic!"

Bei Tinghuang's voice resounded faintly. No one knew where Bei Tinghuang had such strong confidence in Xuanyuan Po, but her words, like the rules of heaven and earth, made people uncontrollably convinced, and also made people feel inexplicably peace of mind.

On the duel field, Xuanyuanpo felt the danger coming, and jumped to the side suddenly. The battle armor transformed from the seven-star beast possessed more than just defense. The lightning-fast speed allowed him to avoid one of Khadgar's attacks. At the same time, the long sword in his hand changed an angle and hit the holy beast behind him fiercely.

Facing such a powerful holy beast, the innate skills possessed by the bloodline divine beast pierced fiercely on the huge body of the black-spotted green snake through the spiritual master's long sword. The originally hard scales were like cutting melons and vegetables. Breaking through the defense with ease, the sword body sank into the body of the holy beast until the hilt.

On the field, more than 5 people breathed in unison, and the lungs that had been held back for an unknown amount of time took a sudden breath of air, feeling their whole body invigorated.Many people were howling in their hearts, Emma was even more excited, nervous, and uncomfortable than when she played herself!

He pulled out the long sword suddenly, bringing up a piece of flesh and blood, and the blood shot out from the huge body of the holy beast, splashing Xuanyuanpo's head and face, but the feeling of being washed by the hot blood was so wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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