The genius ninth miss

Chapter 495 Be fooled!

Chapter 495 Be fooled!

I have to admit that what Yan Ye said is very reasonable, and this is what Bei Tinghuang has thought of before. She seems to have embarked on a road where she can only move forward without any stops. Once she stops, she will be smashed to pieces , but she doesn't feel tired, on the contrary, it is extremely exciting, which will force her to move towards the strong one step by step.

"I know, I'll just learn from you." Bei Tinghuang was convinced, still showing a very wronged look.

"Didn't you say that you didn't even have money to buy bread in the World of Warcraft Forest before? Your flame is very domineering. Even now, it is one of the few sky fires on the mainland. If you learn alchemy or weapon refining, you can do whatever you want." A elixir or a spiritual weapon can make you rich."

"Also, Huang'er, among the fairy grass spirit fruits, there are only a few kinds of fruits that humans can take directly. Others, if they are not refined and synthesized, they will not be able to fully exert their medicinal effects, and they will remain in the body. sequelae."

"If you learn it, you can refine pills for your relatives and friends, wouldn't it be great?"

It was just to coax children, but Bei Tinghuang's heart was still pounding. To be honest, You Yanye taught it personally. The key point is that following him, there must be all the materials for alchemy or weapon refining, so she doesn't need to worry about it, it's just like this Come on, isn't this guy taking advantage of her?Should she call him, "Teacher, are the students polite?"

However, before Bei Tinghuang had time to think about it, she deeply felt that she was really deceived by Yanye, and she was deceived terribly.

She never thought that she entered here directly from Yewangfu through two illusions. After waiting for three days, I remembered that I was going to participate in the freshman training, but Yanye told her, "No hurry, three days outside, three months here, and I will call you after three months."

This is one of them.

When it comes to alchemy, Bei Tinghuang thought it was very simple, isn't it just like cooking, throw those ingredients, oh, no, it should be medicinal materials, and throw them into the alchemy, but the difference is that cooking is simpler, you only need to fry the vegetables It can be eaten when it is cooked, but alchemy needs to use flames to extract the essence of the medicinal materials, and finally melt them into dripping pills.

Yan Ye told her this as a metaphor, and even encouraged her, "At the beginning, I was also taught by an old friend, and it only took me a month to learn it. I believe you are smarter than me, and it doesn't take a month to learn it." gone."

But it wasn't until Bei Tinghuang memorized the alchemy recipes and started refining them that she realized how nonsense Yan Ye's words were.The reason is very simple, but only those who have experienced it know how difficult it is to implement it.

The first is the heat. It is extremely difficult to control the heat. Every fairy grass is so delicate. If the heat is a little higher, it will be burnt immediately. was baked dry.The second is the order of refining each herbal medicine, there can be no mistakes, otherwise what you want to refine is the Jade Spirit Pill, and maybe the Black Spirit Pill will come out, which is a little better, and the bursting cauldron is the best Terrible end.

In the end, during the entire process of refining medicine, the test of spiritual power was simply heinous. Every step was locked with spiritual power, and there must be no negligence. It can be scrapped directly.

(End of this chapter)

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