The genius ninth miss

Chapter 901 The Person From That Plane Is Coming

Chapter 901 The Person From That Plane Is Coming

Qingxi couldn't choose both, she didn't want to choose either, she just stared at Bei Tinghuang in horror, her body backed up involuntarily, she knew that in front of Bei Tinghuang, she had no chance of escape at all, she even Tinghuang didn't know anyone, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

"You, since you have a good relationship with Tie Xue, you should also have a good relationship with Beitinghuang. Let me tell you a piece of news, can you let me go?" Above all, there must be a lot of inside stories among the top forces.

Bei Tinghuang stared at her with icy eyes, and after a while, her red lips parted slightly, "That depends on whether the news you say is worthwhile."

"Yes, yes, of course!" Qingxi looked Bei Tinghuang up and down, but still couldn't see Bei Tinghuang's identity, swallowed with difficulty, and had to tell Bei Tinghuang the most confidential news of Taiyi Palace, "We , we entered the World of Warcraft Forest this time to explore the holy swamp, because, because the person from that plane is about to come, they said that there are only two people who can cause turmoil in the holy swamp, one is the devil emperor, and One of them is the empress."

"Why?" There was a huge wave in Bei Tinghuang's heart, but his face remained calm, "Why is it the devil emperor and empress? Who are they?"

Qingxi was inexplicably questioned by Bei Tinghuang, but when I thought about it, this girl was unknown, so she must not be a direct descendant of a noble family. Maybe the ancestral tomb was full of smoke, and it was because of some chance that she had such a powerful girl. strength, and has no knowledge of some of the secrets of this continent.

Qingxi despised Bei Tinghuang in her heart, but she had no choice but to patiently introduce, "The world of Lubisi was torn apart by the Devil Emperor ten thousand years ago, before it was divided into three continents. It is of course not surprising that it can cause turmoil in the swamp holy land. As for the emperor, it is said that ten thousand years ago, he was the owner of the source of chaos. The time has come."

"How did it come? Where did it come?" Bei Tinghuang didn't expect that Yan Ye's move was so powerful. He thought that he would only attract his enemies, but he didn't expect that the one he would attract in the end would be harmful to him. people.

"You, you will let me go, right? If I say so?" Qingxi asked cautiously. The longer she confronted Bei Tinghuang, the more Qingxi felt that this girl was not what she appeared on the surface. She is so smart and cute, but she is actually an extraordinarily ruthless person.

Blast twelve people with one sword, without blinking an eye, Qingxi asked herself, she didn't have the heart.

"I said, it depends on what you say, whether it is worth it or not!" Bei Tinghuang turned her head away, and for those who will come down in 33 days, with Qingxi, she knows that there will be no more than Yan Ye, "This is for me. It's useless to say. You can change another message!"

"Okay!" Qingxi seemed to have thought of something, "Just when something happened in the swamp holy land, Lord Beitinghuang's fiancée was taken away by the god of the trial temple. Now everyone in Huangcheng is looking for the ninth young master, the god It has already been said that if Master Bei Tinghuang did not go to the Holy City to plead guilty on the night of the full moon, he would execute the fiancee of the Ninth Young Master on the night of the full moon, when the moonlight in the Xingyue Plain is at its peak."

"Damn it!" No matter how calm Bei Tinghuang could hold her breath, she couldn't help cursing at this moment. She stared at Qingxi with her clear eyes, and said coldly, "Swear!"

(End of this chapter)

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