Chapter 906

In Lin Yun's hand, a low-grade spiritual weapon-level red soft whip flew towards the little beggar on the tree with a "swish", rolled up the little beggar without any suspense, and slammed it on the ground.


A cry of pain escaped from the mouth of the little beggar. The little beggar seemed to have been stunned. It seemed that he was seriously injured. It took him a long time to open his eyes. His pair of dark eyes were as bright as stars on a winter night. Some blankly looked around.

Finally, her eyes fell on the aggressive Lin Yun. She cried "Wow", and cursed while crying, "You damn woman, what are you doing? I slept with me, what did you do to provoke you? How dare you Dare to hit me?"

The little beggar was lying on the ground rolling, crying and convulsing, looking very pitiful.

Lin Yun's team consisted of more than a dozen people. They went into the Xingyue Great Forest together in the morning to capture the holy beast. How could it be so easy to capture the holy beast?Fortunately, their trip was worthwhile, and they captured two high-star spirit beasts. Considering that tonight, the Temple of Judgment still had important events, they hurried back from the Xingyue Great Forest.

At this moment, seeing this scene, the team members who were originally aggrieved by Lin Yun looked at Lin Yun with condemning eyes.This little beggar is right, she sleeps well, who knows that she will drool when she falls asleep?It was obviously Lin Yun's bad luck to get under someone else's saliva, and to treat a little beggar in such a rude way is really too much.

These people didn't notice at all that the little beggar in their eyes didn't have the low self-esteem and wretched image of beggar at all. On the contrary, a pair of black eyes were as bright as stars, and the little beggar was crying full of air , It is very comfortable to play and roll, and the influence is also extraordinary.

As the only granddaughter of the Great Elder of the Judgment Temple, Lin Yun was once the candidate for the fiancée of the holy son Gu Hao. She is powerful. When did she experience such humiliation?
Obviously it was the little beggar who threw the saliva on her head. Thinking that the little beggar was usually looking for food in the garbage dump, and how dirty the saliva was, Lin Yun was so disgusted that her stomach writhed violently.She didn't beat the little beggar to death with a whip for the sake of judging the gods, so what else would she want?

"Smelly beggar, how dare you scold Miss Ben? Do you know who we are?" Lin Yun stepped forward, pointing the whip handle in her hand at the little beggar, with a hint of coldness on her gloomy face.

The little beggar sprawled on the ground, staring at Lin Yun with a pair of sly eyes, moaning, "I can't do it, I'm going to die, I want to tell the people on the mainland that I am the judge of the gods who are being judged." Those who were beaten to death with a whip, woo woo woo, the people who judge the temple are good or bad!"

"You... you judge of God, I'll whip you to death!" Lin Yun poured spiritual power into the whip, and whipped it towards the little beggar.

"Ah! It's going to die!"

It was too late, it was so soon, the little beggar jumped up from the ground, unexpectedly avoided a whip infused with spiritual power by a seven-star great spiritualist, and moved towards a loyal, honest and dignified middle man in the team. The young man rushed over and yelled, "Help, help, I'm going to die!"

A stench came over, almost suffocating the entire team to death.Everyone backed away to avoid this little beggar.The middle-aged man was no exception. Helplessly, the little beggar hugged the middle-aged man like an octopus and did not let go. He turned his head and looked at Lin Yun. The contempt and provocation in his eyes almost killed Lin Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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