The genius ninth miss

Chapter 918 I've been waiting for this day for a long time!

Chapter 918 I've been waiting for this day for a long time!
Ye Wang Mansion, Dark Demon Palace, Flame City, the three parties join forces, is it possible for the Temple of Judgment to gain a foothold in this continent?

Thinking of this, everyone shuddered.

"Zhi Ming, you don't have to bark like a mad dog! My king has ignored you for so many years, but I'm not afraid of you. You could have lived a good life in this continent. It's a pity that you are extremely stupid and don't care about your life. You have to make trouble with Young Master Ninth. Did Young Master Ninth just kill your illegitimate son? It’s not like you have the same surname. You have been promoted to the rank of God, and you still have a lot of time to squander, let alone one illegitimate child, give birth to ten, a hundred One, one thousand are possible, if you insist on being too obsessed, who can blame you for the disaster you are facing now?"

What?illegitimate child?
Hearing such two words of gossip, all the clergy except the great elder looked at the god with incredible eyes.You must know that the Temple of Judgment is just like the modern church. The high-level personnel of the Temple of Judgment must accept the baptism of the God of Judgment before taking office.

Mundane loves will stain their loyalty to the Judge God.

Now, someone came to tell them that one of the two dead sons of the predecessor was the illegitimate son of the god, how could they believe it?
However, their intuition told them that the people in the Dark Demon Palace did not lie.

"Nonsense, you judges of God are just talking nonsense! Kill them, kill them for me!"

I can't say any more, if these guys start to doubt him, even if he is a god, they will never be loyal to themselves again.No one knows better than him how much the baptism of judging gods restricts their beliefs. Knowing that he once judged gods, even if he is a god, these guys will never be dispatched by him. Kill them all?

Who knows which of these people are directly ordered by 33 days?
Hearing Shenjun's denial, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief.They don't doubt what the people of the Dark Demon Palace say, but they choose to believe, so what?The god is a god, as long as he doesn't admit it, they can only choose to believe.

Zhi Ming held the divine rod of judgment and looked up at the full moon in the sky. At this time, he seemed to be the most holy god between heaven and earth. The blazing white light was coated with a layer of light golden divine light, and a huge change took place between the heaven and the earth at this time, all the energy was drawn by the moonlight, and converged towards the divine wand of judgment in Zhi Ming's hand.

"Wucao, what the hell is this Judgment Battle? Why can't it be broken when you fight like this?"

Originally thought that the Judgment Scepter in Zhiming's hand had been broken, and the blazing white beam had obviously been broken by Bei Tinghuang, but at this time, seeing that the Judgment Scepter was broken, it could still gather such a huge Energy, Bei Tinghuang is going to be so angry that she is jumping and scolding her mother.

"Young Master Ninth should be glad that you have disabled the battle of judgment twice, otherwise, the energy would have been even greater." Xuanwu couldn't help laughing, and when he looked up at the full moon in the sky, his face showed worry , "The moonlight is very full tonight, and the energy between the heaven and the earth is also very strong. Master Ninth, Bi Fang and I are here, you leave first!"

"How is it possible? I've been waiting for this day for a long time!" After Bei Tinghuang finished speaking, she easily pulled away the arms held by the two of them, holding the soft sword in her hand again, and a star pattern formation appeared under her feet.

(End of this chapter)

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