The genius ninth miss

Chapter 940 What is the mission of the artifact?

Chapter 940 What is the mission of the artifact?

Bei Tinghuang really couldn't understand that such an open-minded person as Huang Yuan would raise such a clumsy daughter as Huang Meng. She sighed, "What's the matter with the poison on your body?"

"The Yewang Mansion released a task about artifacts at the beginning. It was an S-level task. After this task came out, it was not announced to the public. It only said that it would pick one from the mercenary group. As long as you help complete the task, you can I was promoted to an S-level mercenary group. I was also too greedy, and wanted to make Heishui the only S-level mercenary group on the mainland..." Huang Yuan sighed, and it was obvious that he was regretful.

The team member with the broken arm came forward and supported Huang Yuan, "Leader, it's not your fault!"

"It's my fault. At that time, Big Brother Qin, the leader of Snow Wolf, persuaded me that the tree was a big attraction. It was because I thought that there was Master Beiye in the regiment, so I became greedy." Huang Yuan pushed the broken arm away. Brother, bowed his head in front of Bei Tinghuang and said, "The Black Water Token was given to Master Bei Ye after I put my mind to it. I already had greed at that time. Master Bei Ye is an amazing trainer Beast master, I absolutely shouldn't, I shouldn't!"

"The head of the group is also for the brothers in the group. The head of the group always feels sorry for the low treatment of the brothers in the group. I heard that every time the S-level mercenary group completes a mission, the reward they get is much higher than that of the A-level mercenary group. That's why you have this kind of thinking." The lame member of Blackwater also shed tears and said.

The famous mercenary group in the past, now there are only three people left, and they are all old, weak, sick and disabled, which really makes people feel a bit desolate.

"It's all in the past, let's talk about the poisoning!" Bei Tinghuang's voice was cold, and the expression on her face could not be seen clearly, only her pair of dark eyes were extremely bright, and there were also some Wisps of complicated emotions.

"Master Qiongqi from Yewang's Mansion approached Heishui and Blizzard Mercenary Group to discuss this mission, and wanted to choose one of us. I went to Yewang's Mansion, and on the way back, I was ambushed by Blizzard. The people in the palace stabbed me with a sword. If Brother Qin hadn’t arrived in time, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to get this life back.” Huang Yuan talked about the past, and his emotions were no longer ups and downs. Extinct, this is a well-known thing on the mainland.

"What is the mission of the artifact?" Bei Tinghuang asked.

"Actually, it's just a cover!" Speaking of the task of the artifact, Huang Yuan also shook his head helplessly, "I don't know much about the artifact because I quit midway. Escorted to Yancheng. With the strength of the Yewangfu, there is no need for the mercenary group to take action, but since then along the way, the Temple of Judgment has taken many shots, but was wiped out by the Yewangfu, presumably this is just a cover."

Bei Tinghuang understood that by using the artifact to lure the ambush of the Temple of Judgment, the Yewang Mansion could vigorously attack the Temple of Judgment, and the artifact was indeed just a cover.

God-sent blood contract, God-sent blood contract!These four words suddenly appeared in Bei Tinghuang's mind, and he couldn't help but think of what Yan Ye said, "The biggest function is to collect the four great artifacts, which can change the rules of the world, even if it is a blood contract bestowed by God."

"...She is afraid that the Devil Emperor will follow her, so she asks the Devil Emperor to do two things for her!"

"One thing is to let the devil emperor avenge her and cancel the blood contract bestowed by God; the other is to let the devil emperor wait for her. She said that no matter how long it takes, she will come back."

The four great artifacts are used to cancel the blood contract bestowed by heaven, and Bei Tinghuang only felt that at this moment, there seemed to be a huge stone pressing on her chest, making her breathless.

(End of this chapter)

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