The genius ninth miss

Chapter 944 Changle's Brother

Chapter 944 Changle's Brother

"Stop talking nonsense, bring these two and follow me!" The general, the more he looked at the young man, the more he disliked him, and he kept talking about Lord Beitinghuang, Lord Beitinghuang, didn't she know that Beiting Has Huang become a street mouse now?

Immediately, someone came forward and tied ropes for Bei Tinghuang and Mu Qingling.A line of ten people lined up, escorting two people behind them, walking towards Silver Moon City.

Being escorted by an empire as a felon for the first time, Mu Qingling was a little scared at first, but seeing Bei Tinghuang's eyes flashing with a playful light, she also felt relieved.

For some unknown reason, the general did not take off the mask on Bei Tinghuang's face.On the way to the Silver Moon Liberia Palace, the entire Silver Moon City was in a commotion, and the people of the whole city crowded into the streets, watching the warriors of the Silver Moon Liberia Empire escort a masked boy back, one after another commend.

"Oh my god, that's great. I finally caught that person named Bei Tinghuang. Now, she won't burn the city!"

"It was captured by Major General Changting. He is indeed the son of the Great General Protecting the Nation. I heard that Major General Changting is only 25 years old, and he is already a one-sword star spiritual master. Compared with His Excellency Beitingjing of the Beiting family, Favorably!"

"The son of the great general who protects the country, can he not have high talent? Back then, Princess Changle was also a famous talented girl in the imperial capital. It's a pity..."

"No wonder Major General Changting hates masked people so much. Princess Changle is said to have fallen into the hands of that masked Beitinghuang!"

Hearing the people on the road pointing and saying something, Bei Tinghuang knew that this general was really the elder brother of Princess Changle, and she said that it was not enemies who did not get together. Into the hands of Changle Princess's elder brother, this guy should bring himself into Yinyue Liberia's palace, right?

I don't know whether this General Changting was on purpose or not. He rode ahead on a wildebeest, taking his time, while the two Bei Tinghuang were escorted by the guards of the city and had to follow slowly. It took more than two hours to walk from the door to the palace.

Compared with the Raya Empire, the palace of the Silver Moon Liberia Empire has a very different style.If it is said that the royal palace of the Raya Empire is still the style of the combination of Chinese and Western that Bei Tinghuang has seen in the previous life, then the Yinyue Liberia Empire is completely European style.The entire palace, under the sunlight, shone with silver light.

The huge palace square has a flat terrain, and the embroidery flower beds around it have a French style.There is a huge fountain in the middle. Above the fountain is the statue of the God of Judgment holding the God of Judgment. It is no less tall than the statue of the God of Judgment that was destroyed by Beitinghuang in the center of the holy city.It can be seen that the entire Yinyue Liberian Empire has been ruled by theocracy, and the authority of the monarch has been greatly restricted.

Seeing Bei Tinghuang and others coming, the warrior guarding the gate of the palace quickly ran in to report, and immediately, from inside the palace, layer after layer of notifications came out, the emperor's intention, allowing Chang Ting to directly bring people in to have an audience .

Walking through an arched gatehouse and walking in, the ground is paved with white jade spirit stones. On the central axis, an extremely tall silver-white building in the shape of a dome comes into view.Bei Tinghuang saw that Changting only took a quick glance, then lowered his head, showing a respectful look, and knew that this was probably where the emperor of the Yinyue Liberia Empire was located.

(End of this chapter)

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