The genius ninth miss

Chapter 947 Xiaoteng, come out!

Chapter 947 Xiaoteng, come out!

"Oh, it's really just a third-rate force! At the beginning, once the cage that imprisoned you was broken, the gods knew about it. I guess, after a while, the emperor of Yinyue might not even know about our escape." Bei Tinghuang Standing up, with a shake, all the ropes on his body fell to the ground.

Mu Qingling was a little speechless, and she naturally felt that there was a huge gap between the current Beitinghuang and the Beitinghuang in Luobei City, but she didn't feel that there was any contradiction in it.At that time, Xiaojiu had a useless body and could not cultivate. There is a saying that "a man is poor and his ambition is short, while a horse is thin and his hair is long." Without strength, what else can he do except to be a man with his tail between his legs?
She likes Xiaojiu now, she looks so cool, confident and arrogant, fearless, it seems that nothing in this world can defeat her.

It seems that the Yinyue Liberian Empire is actually very poor.Bei Tinghuang pulled the ropes that bound Mu Qingling's body, and did not use a spiritual weapon like her.But ordinary rope.Bei Tinghuang's hand was on the rope on her body, and with a light pinch, the nine-color Nirvana fire overflowing from the palm burned on the rope, and the rope broke.

"But, Xiaojiu, we still can't get out!" Mu Qingling didn't want to stay in this kind of place for a quarter of an hour. She was covered in musty smell. She ran to the door and touched it with her hand. She didn't know where the prison door was. , there is not even the slightest gap, it is very tight.

"Ling'er, don't be afraid. Don't look at the tightness and seamlessness of this cell. Compared with the cage used to imprison you in the Temple of Judgment, it is simply inferior!" Bei Tinghuang pulled Mu Qingling behind her, and she personally Stepping forward, with the help of the weak light, she scanned the walls of the cage, and a contemptuous smile slowly appeared on her face.

She caressed the indestructible and thick stainless steel door with her hand, and sighed, "I'm afraid it was made by a craftsman. If it was an ordinary person, I'm afraid I would have to go out. It’s harder than reaching the sky, but who made it meet me?”

In his hand, there was already an extra dagger, and a layer of sky-blue origin power was wrapped around the dagger, and there were still dots of nine-colored flames flickering in it.In this world, there is nothing that can resist the nine-color Nirvana fire, let alone a prison door made of fine steel.

Holding the dagger, Bei Tinghuang plunged deeply into the prison door.Under Bei Tinghuang's dagger, the prison door, which was originally impenetrable, was like tofu. She gently drew a triangle on it, and with a slight pick of the dagger, the triangular piece of fine steel fell off from the prison door, and the door Then there is an extra hole.

"It's that simple?" Mu Qingling only felt that Bei Tinghuang was juggling. The triangular piece of steel she cut out was almost a foot thick, but just now, Bei Tinghuang's relaxed appearance gave her the illusion that, Bei Tinghuang was cutting tofu.

"Xiaoteng, come out!"

With Bei Tinghuang's soft call, her space opened, and a little hairball ran out of the space.With Xiaoteng's promotion, this little hairy dumpling is almost the size of an adult's fist, but the invisibility function cannot even be detected by the Lingzong.Two pearl-like black eyeballs flickered in a human way. After it came out, it rolled over in Bei Tinghuang's palm, stretched out two pieces of white jade-like ears, trembled twice, and said in a sweet voice, "Master, I'll go outside and knock out all the gatekeepers, so the master can go out!"

(End of this chapter)

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