The genius ninth miss

Chapter 963 High Sword God, 33 Days Come

Chapter 963 High Sword God, 33 Days Come

Bei Tinghuang's body shook for a while, with a bad premonition in her heart, she and Ming looked at each other, and from Ming's eyes, she also saw a trace of solemnity that had never been seen before.

No one expected that there would be such a powerful opponent in the palace of the Yinyue Liberian Empire.This person is many times stronger than the Sibei-like god rank of the God Lord of the Judgment Temple.

"This person is at the level of a high-sword god, and a clone of a plane projection, Huang, let's deal with him together!" Min tilted his head to look at Bei Tinghuang, a god-king level, for Bei Tinghuang at this time, it was simply Will she be afraid of the unreachable existence?

"It's just the strength of the high sword god, it's just the plane projection clone, hum, come to my territory, even if it's a river dragon, I have to lie on my stomach!" The soft sword in Bei Tinghuang's hand slammed With a shake, he took the lead in diving towards the ground.

She would never let cousin Chu Feng fall into this person's hands, and she would never let anyone hurt cousin Chu Feng, not even the god king!

Ming, in the sky, nine-colored flames raged wildly. His hand was pulled out in the flames, and a Fang Tian's painting halberd exquisitely made of nine-colored jade was held in his hand. Fang Tian's painting in his hand Suddenly, the halberd became infinitely bigger and wrapped in surging flames. He held the handle of Fang Tian's painted halberd and raised it high. With the momentum of a thunderbolt, he slammed it down towards the palace on the ground.

The flames boiled and the sound was so loud that it almost tore the sky apart.At this time, under the bombardment of Ming, countless ruins of the originally exquisite palace burst out in all directions.A figure also shot out from the dilapidated palace, covered in nine-colored flames, no matter how hard you beat the flames, the flames would not go out. This guy, in desperation, had no choice but to grab the clothes on his body and throw them out. Swipe off the burning hair with a sword!
Who is this person?

Bei Tinghuang hovered in front of Chu Feng, holding a soft sword in her hand, her outer robe had been put into the interspatial ring, and a fiery red battle armor wrapped her vigorous figure. , stirred up the flames in front of him, sprinkled them towards Silvermoon City, and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you? Which one is from 33 days?"

After the man tore off his outer robe, the silver armor on his body was exposed. The long hair that was originally hanging behind his back was cut off by his sword, and it was only shoulder length.His eyes were originally contemptuous, but after hearing Ming's question, he put away the disdain in his eyes and looked at Ming seriously, "You were also projected from that plane? No, you are not a projection clone, since you know That plane, you should know, I am the Spirit God Clan, I am the envoy sent by His Majesty the Spirit God Clan Emperor to Central Continent, if you meet me today, you must die!"

Standing behind the youngest son of the emperor of the Spirit God Clan, Bei Tinghuang couldn't see clearly what this kid looked like, but when he heard what this kid said, he burst into laughter on the spot, "How dare a mere high-sword god Speak wild words!"

Hearing that someone behind him spoke to him in such a tone, Ming Guang immediately turned his head angrily. When he saw Bei Tinghuang suddenly, he didn't know what was going on with him, so he backed away several steps in shock, with astonishment in his eyes, he raised his finger Looking at Bei Tinghuang, speechless, "You, you, you..."

"What about me?" Bei Tinghuang took a step closer, his contemptuous eyes were like knives, "Speak if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say, hesitating, is it a man?"

(End of this chapter)

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